[10] I Think I'm In Love With My New Math Teacher

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Once I realized that I was grinning stupidly, I promptly changed my facial expression. I didn't know why but whenever I saw Keegan the stupid smile or grin would always be on my face. Actually I knew why it happened, it was because I had a huge crush on my teacher.

I knew that the crush would probably never go anywhere, and believe me right now I was okay with that as long as the silly grin would leave my face.

By this time I have already walked out of the school campus and I'm already by the door of my car. Then I found a hand on my arm and I freaked out.

"Burke, I am so sorry." He just glared at me, yes the hand belonged to Burke and basically I freaked out for no reason. "Burke, come on in," I led him to my car and he sort of wobbled over to it and climbed in.

It turns out, that I repeatedly punched and kicked him. I never realized that it was Burke because I just attacked. I turned to look at him and said, "You know if you just called out my name this never would've happened." I said the wrong thing he turned and glared at me.

Once we arrived at my house, I unlocked the door and brought him inside, luckily I had cleaned everything last week. Since my parents were only home for an hour or two at the most, I had to do all the chores.

I grabbed Burke but, not too harshly because I knew it must've hurt when I attacked him and led him upstairs.

Once we were finally in the bathroom I took out the band-aids and peroxide, since I accidentally scratched him as well. I turned to look at him and asked, "Burke where does it hurt?" He just held out both of his arms and I saw all the scratches and I concentrated on cleaning them and putting band-aids over them.

"I never knew that you would have Hello Kitty band-aids I wouldn't have come." "Hello Kitty is awesome and you know it." I laughed after I said that because I was done with putting on the band-aids and it was hilarious seeing Burke with Hello Kitty band-aids on his arms.

"Come on Burke I'll show you around," was all I said after I was finished laughing and this time I didn't drag him around but just pointed out all the rooms.

I Think I'm In Love With My New Math TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now