I Think I'm In Love With My New Math Teacher

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Chapter 1

[ - - -[❤]- - - = Time Has Passed]

It was the end of summer and I was already wishing for school to start. I always hated summer break because the best time of break is always the first week and then it just gets repetitive, but then you go back to school and wish you could be back on break again. It seems to me that teenagers or students can never be satisfied. "Today is my last day of summer break and I don't know what to do with myself," I thought. Seriously what do you do when you know that school is coming back?

I couldn't hang out with my friends because they all had plans to go to foreign countries and I couldn't go. Also my parents were gone because they were on this extended cruise or vacation or eighth honeymoon. I can't believe that my parents have more of a social life than I do. So basically during this whole summer all I've done is buy some junk food and sit on the couch and watch T.V. I was never one of those people who when they were bored decided to do some physical activity. I mean if you're bored what would walking, running, or skipping do anything to make you un-bored. It never made any sense to me.

- - -[❤]- - -

The next day I woke up and I realized that it was the first day of school and all I thought was "Ok at least now I have something to really complain about." After that thought I just went back to bed again. Huge mistake. I woke up late and took a really cold shower to wake me up and then I had to run to get my clothes, blow dry my hair, and straighten parts of it. Then I had to brush my teeth and put on some flip flops because it was still summer and I was to lazy to put on my ratty old converse's. I walked or jogged whichever one works better down the stairs and into the kitchen and I saw my parents. Surprise, Surprise I wonder where they're going to next. I never even bothered complaining anymore since they've been doing this my whole life, what's that you ask well all they've done is, wait for it, leave. They never actually had to go to all of the places they've been to but, they never wanted to have me so I'm used to it. I don't think they even remember when my birthday is.

"Kyra your father and I have decided to go to Guatemala again for our... Well never mind we'll be leaving tomorrow so don't have any parties while we're gone," my mother said. See I knew it they didn't even have to leave they just do. "Ok" was all I said they knew I knew that I could take care of myself I mean I've been doing it for the past eighteen years they weren't there.

I left the kitchen when I realized what the time was I only had fifteen minutes left to go to school. I went to the driveway and I saw my "baby" it was my silver Volvo. Yes like the one Edward Cullen drives in Twilight but I bought the car before the Twilight books even became popular. I bought it with the money I earned by babysitting and the odd jobs that my neighbors were to lazy to do.

- - -[❤]- - -

I arrived at the school with only about six minutes to spare and luckily I already had my schedule in the pocket of my jeans. I looked at it and realized that I had all the "hard" classes which were the honors classes, except for my math class witch was just the "normal" math class since I hated math and I knew I would never understand it or enjoy doing the work. I looked back at the schedule again and realized that I didn't have Mr. Griffin for math luckily. Mr. Griffin just to put it simply, hates me, he is the kind of teacher who plays favorites and I am not one of them because I am just horrible at math. I didn't recognize the teachers name and I hoped that that was a good sign.

I walked into the classroom right when the bell rang and realized that I had most of preppy blonde girls from school in my class. I bet you know the ones that I'm talking about. The ones who either talk about themselves, someone else, money or clothes. Luckily the teacher hadn't come in yet so I found a seat in the back and waited for him to come in. The schedule said his name was Mr. Ross.

I knew when he came in by one of the blonde's expressions and then they all mimicked each other by dropping their mouths. I then looked at him and it was then that I almost dropped my mouth as well. Mr. Ross was gorgeous, handsome, or hot whichever one works the best. He had dark brown almost black hair and chocolate colored brown eyes, he was also somewhat pale but it looked good on him. His almost black hair was styled in what some people would call an almost "emo" haircut and I could see either a tiny bit of a beginning or an end to a tattoo on his neck. I was surprised he was a teacher here because he was young and tattooed. Most principals would never even consider a handsome, young, male tattooed man to teach their students. I was so happy that my principal Mrs. Evans didn't.

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