[4] I Think I'm In Love With My New Math Teacher

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After oh shit I knew that I had to think of something else but all I could think about was the fact that I had detention with my teacher on the second day of school. Which had never happened to me. Ever. I don't really want to admit it but I am one of the nerd's which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Since I wanted to get the highest grade to get a scholarship so I could get a job and get a high salary. So having a detention was not something I wanted even though if it was with my hot new math teacher. Of course the blondes were still staring at me even when I was contemplating the thought of a detention. They thought I actually wanted one. Which is really stupid, I mean I think my teacher is hot which is one topic I'm not even going to discuss right now and they actually think that I wanted to have a detention.

After Mr. Ross told me that I was going to have my detention right after school the bell rang. Which was the first of many periods until lunch, and I was thinking all about detention right until lunch. Tessa was still a little mad that I had hanged out with Aiden. "Why didn't you hang out with Aiden, I am sick of you telling me that I am so lucky just because I went to Hot Topic with him." "I had something else better to do," she said "Well then don't tell me how lucky I am then." "Fine." "Guess what?" "What." "I have detention with Mr. Ross today after school." The last thing I saw was her shocked expression and then I left to go to the library. I had to go before she was able to bombard me with questions.

I was inside the library and I immediately went to the manga/anime section. I loved anime and romance and mystery. When I was younger I was a huge fan of Nancy Drew. When I was in my pre-teens though I found out about anime and romance so I started getting interested in those. I had read all the books in the library that were in the manga section but I still went there in case there were new books. Unexpectedly though I found that I wasn't alone and realized that someone was there. I had never seen the person before so I said "Hi." The person looked at me blankly with a straight expression on his/her face. Ok so don't respond, I was surprised that I actually said hi because usually I'm really shy but I guess not today. The person had straight dark hair until the tips and then it curled slightly, but that was all I was able to see since his/her hoodie covered the rest of his/ her face. I didn't want to bother the person so I looked quickly and found what I was looking for the first volume of Full Moon and then I left to go to the counter to check out the library book. After I put it in my bag the bell rang again and I went to my next class which was math. With Mr. Ross, whom I have a detention with after school, today. Yay, not really.

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Today was the first day that I actually went to math class right before the bell rang. I went to one of the middle rows because it wasn't that far in the back where I couldn't hear anything and it wasn't where Mr. Ross could see me at every second. So the middle was exactly where I wanted to be.. I also had empty desks near me so I didn't have to put up with any annoying people. Yet. Mr. Ross was already inside the classroom of course and a couple of other people but I didn't talk to them because simply, I didn't want to my shyness was back at full force.

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Mr. Ross was going over an example problem of what was going to be on the homework tonight, Yay, when the person I saw earlier walked in I recognized him/her when I saw the hoodie that covered everything except the hair. Since I was the only person who had empty desks near me guess where the new person sat? You're correct if you said right next to me. Well at least the person wouldn't annoy me.

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Mr. Ross had finished explaining the lesson that I tried hard to understand and I thought I did until I was on the third problem when I heard a melodious voice say "That's not right." Well my mysterious "friend" finally talked, and it was only because I got a math problem wrong. I looked at the problem again and realized that I multiplied wrong and said, "Thanks." I received no reply and that was when Mr. Ross ruined the silence by saying "Kyra don't forget that you have detention today after school." Well thank you for reminding me, not, I rolled my eyes and then the bell rang I practically flew out of the class room not even hearing the "Your welcome." Which was most likely left for me.

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