[6] I Think I'm In Love With My New Math Teacher

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When I left I knew that I was going to hang out with Aiden but this time with Tessa because when I had hanged out with him the last time she started to get annoying. She was the only one I've told about the whole detention deal but she was going to be disappointed that I didn't hang out with Mr. Ross. I don't know if she's heard about Burke though so I don't know if I'm going to tell her about him she might just think that I like him or something. Or she might start complaining again. Since Aiden and I were the only ones who drive we decided to just use his car to save my gas. Tessa decided that she wanted to go to the mall and we just agreed she wanted to go to all the "preppy" stores so Aiden and I were kind of left out which is why I don't even know why she wanted Aiden and I to come or maybe she just wanted to go with Aiden.

Which was of course entirely possible. Tessa had been my friend for a long time but when I had first met Aiden and I had introduced her to him we had grown apart and now I'm getting annoyed with her. That's what high school does to you friends you thought would last forever don't last anymore. I wanted to leave the store so I did and I told Aiden I was going he looked at me with a puppy dog expression which just screamed don't leave me here with her. I didn't want to leave him with Tessa but if I don't leave now I might not be able to later.

Plus I wanted to get more clothes somewhere else and Tessa wouldn't do that she would just whine and complain and then say ok well just hurry up. Why do I have to hurry up when she took about four hours. I then took a detour and went to Walmart and just headed to the music section where the Christian rock was. Yes, I do listen to Christian rock there was a band that I just found and they had amazing music. I looked for the band but I couldn't find it and then I just went to the rock section and I saw they only had one album of Papa Roach's Metamorphosis. Which just went away right before my eyes. I turned and looked and saw that Burke must have been there for a while but I missed him because I was my normal oblivious self.

"Hey" I turned to him and said, he of course just stood silent "Hey," I tried again. "Since that's the last CD I was wondering if you could possibly let me buy it" I sort of trailed off in the end because Burke just stood there during all of my asking. That's the thing about Burke he just doesn't move or show any emotion in anything well at least in how long I've known him which isn't that long I'll admit but how can a person not show any emotion at all? I mean I have to show emotion well, maybe sometimes too much but I'd rather do that then not show any emotion at all.

Then after a few more seconds I saw his hand with the CD move over more to where I was then I heard Aiden's voice yell out "Kyra" and I also saw him jog toward me. When he came to me he put an arm on my shoulder and it was then that I realized that Burke had the CD still and that his hand moved closer to him again. I guessed that he had suddenly changed his mind and it was then that I introduced them to each other "Aiden this is Burke, Burke this is Aiden," "Hey Burke" Aiden said but Burke being his usual self at least to me didn't say anything and then he left with the CD. "He isn't really friendly is he Kyra?" "I've never really talked to him that much so I wouldn't know." "I escaped Tessa" "I noticed otherwise you wouldn't be here" I joked. "You should be glad I'm here," Aiden joked back. Since there wasn't much to do since Burke took the last CD we left and Aiden surprisingly still had his hand on my shoulder.

When we were leaving I never noticed the pair of piercing eyes that were focused unwaveringly on us, nor did I notice a hand that had suddenly clenched a certain Papa Roach CD.

I thought that we would still have to wait for Tessa since he was the one who drove both of us but he said that she had gotten a ride from someone else that she knew and that she and the other girl would hang out together before leaving. Since Tessa had other friends now that she had changed it didn't bother me that she would be going home with someone else. I didn't see why she complained so much that I had hanged out with Aiden when she had the chance and decided to hang out with another person.

Since both Aiden and I were bored to death when Tessa was shopping we decided to just hang out in random stores and just cause havoc. I swear we were almost at the point of being kicked out of a furniture store when we ran to the exit and left. Once we were outside of the store we started laughing and for a few minutes when we tried to calm down we would glance at each other and we would start laughing again.

Once we had finally calmed down I glanced at Aiden again and he was already looking at me. Or to be more specific I thought I caught him looking at my mouth. When I tried to look away his hand moved to my face and then my head automatically turned to face him again, it was then that he swooped down and kissed me.

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