[8] I Think I'm In Love With My New Math Teacher

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I guess that I'll skip to the part where everyone wants to know about. You know the part where I'm in "detention" with Keegan or Mr. Ross. It turned out that he just wanted to tell me that he would start to tutor me, because he could tell that I was having problems with the problems, no pun intended.

The tutoring sessions would begin right after school for an hour. Great just what every teenager wants to hear. I didn't say thank you, I didn't think I had to because it wasn't an offer it was a command. Surprisingly I saw Burke right outside the classroom listening to his iPod.

I said hi but he didn't respond so I just stood there. Eventually he realized that I was standing there and pulled his headphones out. I felt like an idiot for staying there until he responded to me. I decided if I had stayed there I wanted to hang out with him so I said, "hey Burke, do you want to hang out?" He looked surprised that I asked to hang out with him and he didn't say anything so I took this as no disagreement.

"Okay then," I started "I'll take you to get ice cream" since it didn't look like he would move anytime soon, I grabbed his arm and sort of dragged him to my car. I didn't see the smile he had on his face when he looked down and saw my hand on his arm.

I unlocked my car and went in, then I started it up and saw Burke next to me and I smiled. Wait, I smiled don't tell me that I'm starting to like him. I couldn't, I already like someone that I shouldn't like. This is so weird because usually I wouldn't be interested in this many guys. I usually wouldn't think about guys, but this year is turning out to be completely different.

Since I didn't know what genre of music he liked I decided to ask him, "What are your favorite bands?" "Doesn't matter I'll listen to anything." Okay that didn't help at all so I just decided to listen to All Time Low and I put the CD in the cars CD drive.

We didn't talk much on the way over to the ice cream parlor because, well this is Burke we're talking about and you're lucky if you can get a couple of words out of him.

Once we were inside the ice cream parlor, I sort of dragged him again to the counter, "What flavor do you want to have?" "Chocolate" "Okay."

I went over to where the cash registers were and ordered and paid for two ice creams, one chocolate and the other vanilla. Then I grabbed them and I saw Burke sitting at a booth so I went over there and handed him his ice cream. He in turn grabbed his chocolate ice cream and licked it. I didn't know why but when he licked the ice cream, I started to stare at his tongue and when he glanced at me and caught me staring I blushed and turned away.

It was then that I sat down and took my first bite of the sugary and creamy treat. I smiled after I swallowed and this time I caught Burke staring at me. I continued to smile, "do you like it?" "Of course, who doesn't like chocolate?" "Some people don't." "Then they're weird." I laughed after he said that and I caught a small smile.

I was having so much fun just eating ice cream with him. I also noticed that he seemed to smile more in my presence, and that in turn put a permanent smile on my face the whole time we were eating ice cream.

- - - - - Author's Note - - - - -

Sorry for taking so long to post but, I've been sick and I have writer's block (for only this story). So I'm completely surprised that I even managed to post this much. If you guys have any ideas please tell me. :D Anyway please comment and rate.

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