[7] I Think I'm In Love With My New Math Teacher

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I immediately pushed Aiden away I didn't like him like that. What was wrong with him. "Aiden why did you do that?" "It was a heat of the moment kiss I guess." He guesses, I just kissed one of my best guy friends and it was just "a heat of the moment kiss." Anyone from school could have seen us and would've thought we are going out. "Just don't do that ever again please." "Ok." It was awkward to say the least I was still shocked from the kiss and Aiden was well, Aiden was Aiden.

I just wanted to leave so I asked Aiden if we could, he just nodded his head I guess he finally realized that kissing me was a stupid mistake that won't be repeated. I didn't want it to be repeated at all. It was still awkward on the way to the car and in the car I just wanted to leave and go and listen to music and forget what his lips felt like against mine. Which was a thought that I shouldn't even have.

The car ride back to my house was completely awkward which wasn't that surprising for me. I just wanted the day to end and fortunately it eventually did.

The next morning I didn't want to go to school I really didn't have to, I could have had my friend call in for me or I could disguise my voice and say that I was sick but I decided it wasn't even worth doing, besides I didn't want to have to catch up and try to understand the math homework.

It didn't take me that long to get dressed and get ready for school I basically just found old ripped jeans and an old band tee and put on my converse's. I went downstairs and just grabbed a pop tart, then it was time for me to go to school, Yay. I seem so excited don't I?

Once I finally arrived at school I just went to the library again because I didn't really feel like doing anything and I had to return the old manga books that took me only about an hour to read. I saw Burke there and for a second I thought he glared at me for a second and then he put up his regular poker face expression.

Once I gave the books to the librarian I went back to the anime/manga portion of the library and grabbed a Shugo Chara manga this time. I felt like a twelve year old but who cares. I saw Burke out of the corner of my eyes but pretended to read the manga.

When Burke came near me I said hi but didn't look up from the manga Burke being his usual antisocial self didn't respond. I went to a nearby table and sat in a chair surprisingly Burke followed and it was silent as I was reading and Burke was well being Burke. The only time it wasn't silent was when I was laughing at some of the antics of Amu. The bell rang and I quickly went to the librarian and she checked out the manga for me and then it was time to go through the mandatory school hell.

The periods passed quickly surprisingly enough. Which meant good news for me until of course it was math class with of course Mr. Ross. I still didn't want to know why I was attracted to him even though he was handsome. I shouldn't have a crush on my teacher mostly because he was the teacher even though he was only about twenty five and I nineteen.

Mr. Ross it seems hates me. I could tell when he decided to call on me for the answers when I never even raised my hand once. Luckily for me I didn't get an answer wrong and when he finally gave us the problems for our homework I gave a sigh and Burke obviously heard it because he glanced at me and he smiled for about a second. It seemed that he didn't even realize that he had smiled and when he had he immediately destroyed it.

'I wished he hadn't' the thought crossed my mind and for a second I was surprised. Then I was angered a little bit. I didn't want to like Burke and I didn't want to like Keegan or as I should call him Mr. Ross. The bell rang and I immediately almost jumped out of my seat. I was almost out the door when I heard, "Kyra I want to talk to you," said Mr. Ross. I just left unfortunately I heard him and it would be inevitable that Tessa would find out and she would probably tell me how lucky I am. Which of course isn't true.

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