Chapter 23: Family of Three

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“Are you sure?”

“I am.” Kuroko answered.

“I can be a mother and a student at the same time. Mother already said that we can leave Masaya with her whenever I have classes.” Kuroko was preparing the things needed for Masaya’s bath. The baby’s on his bassinet, watching them. “We can do this, Seijuuro. We can be parents without looking for a nanny.”

“I’m just worried for you, babe.” Akashi answered.

“But you’ll be with me right? You’ll keep on helping me with the baby?”

“Of course I would.” Akashi answered. “I’ll be more than happy to keep my night duty.” Seijuuro then tested the water with his elbow, right after taking the temperature of the water with a thermometer. “Is this enough babe or is it too hot?”

Kuroko feel the warmth of the water by himself. Nodding, he answered his worried husband. “It’s perfect.” He then proceed to take Baby Masaya from his bassinet. “You’ll be taking a bath now, Masaya.” He laid down Masaya on the soft blanket he placed on the table they had set up on the bathroom (their bathroom had so much space). He gently undressed his baby and then put him on the baby tub. He was supporting the baby with his left hand while the other hand was busy with gently pouring water on his baby.

Akashi on the other hand is helping him in any way he could. Putting liquid soap on the baby sponge, getting whatever his husband asked of him and finally, preparing the soft towel that they had custom made for their baby. He carefully dry Masaya right after his bath and put him on his custom made baby bath robe. They brought him back to the nursery to get him dressed and prepped up for the day.

“Aren’t you tired, Seijuuro?” Kuroko asked as he cradled their son as he feeds him. “You’ve been staying up late ever since Masaya’s born. You should take a rest.”

“I’m fine, babe.” Akashi answered. “You were the one taking care of Masaya during the day and after school.  It’s my turn to take care of our son.” He sat down behind Kuroko, put his arms around his husband’s waist and rests his chin on Kuroko’s left shoulder, where the baby’s head is closest. “And spending time like this with you and Masaya is enough relaxation for me.”

“But it won’t do if you got sick.” Kuroko leaned his back on his husband’s broad chest.  “Aside from school, you’re also working at the company, right? You’re working hard for us. You deserve a break.”

“My work’s not that different from before, babe. Back then I only work for the sake of it, since I’m Father’s only child. Closing deals after deals to get on my father’s good side. But now, everything was different. I am now working for you. For our family. For our life together.” 

“You…” Kuroko turned his head to peek at his husband’s face. “You were getting cheesier as date passed by, Seijuuro.”

“And we both know you love it.”

Kuroko smiled as he peck his husband’s lips. “I do. I love you.”

“I love you too.”


“How grand do you want it to be?” Mibuchi asked

“It doesn’t need to be grand.” Akashi answered.

“You’re renewing your vows with the love of your life! With the first person you ever love! Yet you don’t want this wedding to be grand?!” Mibuchi exclaimed.

“Tetsuya just gave birth. “

“The ceremony you were planning is not gonna happen until your anniversary, on March 14.” Shintaro reminded. “It gives Mibuchi almost two months to prepare. Which gives your husband two months to recover. Add it to the fact that Masaya had been born a month ago.”

“Speaking of which, what do you plan to do on Tetchan’s birthday?” Momoi asked gleefully. “This would be his first birthday together with you! You should top whatever his ex did for him last year!”

“What did he do for him?” Akashi asked in curiosity.

“Figure you’ll asked that so I already asked around.” Momoie perked up proudly. “According to a few of his classmates, Aomine gathered his basketball friends and throw a mini basketball game party for Tet-chan. Tet-chan’s a big fan of basketball and he used to play in high school. He’s team mates with Kagami. Tet-chan stopped playing when he got to college. He’s focusing his all on his major.”

“We can’t do a basketball party for him. He just gave birth, you see.” Takao exclaimed.

“I have an idea!” Mibuchi chirped.


“What’s your husband planning for your birthday?” Kagami quietly asked in the midst of their lunch. Kagami visited Kuroko to see the baby and brought with him his notes to lend Kuroko.

“Why are you asking?”

“Just curious. Considering the flashy birthday surprise that Ahomine did for you on your birthday last year, I won’t be surprise if he decided to outdo him.” Kagami leaned back on his chair.

“Why? He doesn’t need to do that.” Kuroko answered.  “A simple celebration is fine with me.”

“Really?” Kagami watched his friend. He’s been friends with Kuroko ever since their first year of high school and he could proudly say that he’s got almost all of his quirks. “Are you afraid that everything would go down like how it got with Ahomine?”

Kuroko stopped writing on his notes and shifted his sight to his friend. “What? No. Not at all.” He said. “Seijuuro is different from Aomine-kun. I trust him and I know that he loves me and Masaya as much as we love him.”

“You trusted Aomine as well.” Kagami shrugged.

“Where are you going with this, Kagami-kun?” He asked. Masaya started to cry. Kuroko picked up his son from the crib that was set up in the living room. “You’re not trying to make me doubt my husband, are you?”

“No, I’m not.” Kagami sighed and relaxed his shoulders. “Look, I just don’t want you to get hurt again. You were my very first friend when I transferred from America. Your happiness is important to me.”

“I appreciate your concern but please don’t ever ask question like that ever again.” He gently coaxed his baby by rocking him in his arms. “Masaya hates it when someone’s saying bad things about his Dad.”

“Babe, I’m home.” Seijuuro’s voice reverberates inside the house.

“Welcome home, Sei.” Kuroko greeted him as Akashi kisses him.

“What’s wrong with Masaya?” Akashi asked as he kissed his son’s forehead. He take him from his husband’s arms and held him. “What’s wrong baby? Why are you crying?”

Kuroko fixed the baby’s clothes. “It’s because of something that Kagami-kun said.”

“Wha-! Kuroko!” Kagami was just about to stop Kuroko from saying anymore but Akashi glared daggers at him, stopping him from moving any further.

“Did he say something about me?” Akashi asked.

“How the hell did you know?!”

“Masaya only cries when someone says something bad about me.” Akashi said.

“How sure are you about that? He could just be hungry for all we know.”

“His cry sounded differently when he’s hungry.” Kuroko answered. “And we’ve already tested it.”

“What did he say about me?” Akashi asked.

Kagami’s senses suddenly warned him of an impending danger. His warning bells rang continuously at its highest level, reminding him that he should run while h still can. “I think I better go.” Kagami quickly took his bag and run off, fearing for his life.

“He sure ran fast.” Akashi pointed out.

“He’s an athlete.”

Masaya slowly stopped crying after the baby fell asleep again, Akashi put him back on his crib. “So, what did your friend say about me?”

Kuroko sat down. He patted down the spot beside him and made his husband sit down. He cuddled against him and answered, “He just reminded me of what happened after my birthday last year.  On how my relationship with Aomine-kun went from great to heartbreak in a span of two months.”

“He’s comparing your relationship with him with ours?”


Akashi was quiet for a while. “What did you say?”

“I told him that what we have is different from my relationship with Aomine-kun.” Kuroko pulled himself off of his husband’s embrace and look at him straight in his eyes. “I love you, Seijuuro. My love for you is deeper than the love I felt for him. I trust you with all my heart. And if you ever… if you ever did cheat on me, which I am sure you won’t, I’ll fight for you. I’ll fight for us.”

Akashi pulled Kuroko and made him straddle his lap. He imprisoned his husband by wrapping his arms around his husband waist and burying his face on his chest. “If I ever cheat on you, which will never happen, I’ll give you permission to cut my manhood off. I love you so much, babe. And I cherish the fact that you trust me this much. “

Kuroko giggled softly. “Why would I do that? I would never cut it off.” He put his arms around his husband’s neck. “I really wanted to have sex with you right now but we still can’t. I’m still not fully healed down there…”

“We can wait for that, babe. And once we can, I’ll make sure to give you all the sex you want.”

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