Chapter 2: Married to a Devil

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I walked back and forth on my apartment. It’s been two weeks since I last saw Akashi-kun. We were married. I was totally made aware of this ever since I got a hold of our Kon-in Todoke Juri Shomeisho (Certificate of Acceptance of Notification). He also informed me about the change in my family register. Pretty much that finalized our marriage.

That same night, I had unprotected sex with him and he even came inside me! Not just once but seeing how much of it he got out of me that day, I’m pretty much sure we go at it for an incredible number of rounds before we finally stop.

What should I do? There’s a lot of possibility that I could get pregnant. And that’s what lead me to this predicament.

I decided to buy a few pregnancy test kits. And right now, I am totally and one hundred percent regretting it. All of the pregnancy test kits are telling me, more like glaring at me with the same results.


I am pregnant.

I am pregnant with the child of the man that I just met two weeks ago.

I shouldn’t have left my apartment that night with my heart and my mind in a turmoil.

Look at what happened to me!

I got deflowered, pregnant and married all in a single night!

After calming myself down, I pick up my phone and dialed the number that he gave me. We haven’t seen each other since it’s a school break. But we kept in touch. Mainly because he never failed to call every single day.

It took a few rings before he answered the phone with his deep, rich, and suave voice.

-It’s been a while, my lovely wife.


-You do realize that we’re both Akashi now, right?


-(chuckling) What is it, Tetsuya?

“I’m pregnant.” The other line went incredibly silent. “Seijuuro?’

-Where are you?

After telling him my address we ended the call. I waited for him for half an hour. Tears were already streaming down my face. I just turned twenty and now I’m already pregnant. How would I explain it to my parents? They didn’t know that Aomine-kun and I broke up. How would I even tell them I got knocked up by a guy I just met? They know that I haven’t done it yet with Aomine-kun. I don’t want them to think lowly of me because I got knocked up and, well, got married to a schoolmate that I barely know.

My stupor was cut short when I heard a knock on my door. I quickly went and take a look and opened the door when I saw Seijuuro standing outside.

We sat down the couch. In front of us is the coffee tablet where I placed all of the pregnancy test kits that I bought. He eyed all of them and let out a soft smile. “So, you’re really pregnant, huh.”

“What are we going to do?” I asked.

He looked at me and wiped the tears that were streaming down my face. “First, we’ll go to a OBGYN to make sure that our baby is fine. Second, we’re talking to your parents. Third, I’ll introduce you to my father.”

“How are we going to explain this to my parents? I had a one night stand with you. And the only thing I knew about you were your name and the school were both studying.  I got pregnant an-“

“We’re married, Tetsuya.” He said as he firmly cupped my face.

“We got married a day after my ex broke up with me! We’re both drunk and-“

“Look. You’re already pregnant. We’re already married, why not just accept the fact and calm down.” He said. “Look. I won’t abandon you. The child inside of you is my flesh and blood too.” He kissed my forehead. “Get changed. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

I stare at his red eyes trying to see if he’s lying to me. But there’s not even a hint of any kind of negative emotion on his eyes. “…Okay…”


“Based on the results that we obtained from the tests that we did, I could now finally say, congratulations. You are going to be parents.” Doctor Riko said as she smiled at us. “I’ll prescribe you vitamins for your pregnancy. And of course the things that you need to watch out for.”

“Is it anything bad?” I asked.

“Not really. But morning sickness is normal. Cravings are normal as well so, Akashi-san, please make sure to support your husband-“

“Wife.” Seijuuro corrected.

“Wife. Yes. Haha.” She looked at me. “Don’t be afraid to call me anytime to ask something about the pregnancy. Okay?”

“Okay.” I answered.

“Another thing, your sex drive might increase as well so….”

“I’ve got that covered.” Seijuuro said as he held my hand.


We were in his car. He was driving us to my parents’ house.

“Are you nervous?” He asked.

“Of course.” I answered as I tightened my grip on my seatbelt. “I’m visiting my parents riding an unbelievably amazing car that seems unbelievably expensive, with my husband who I just met recently but was already pregnant with his child.” I’m getting extremely emotional right now that my tears just started to stream.

Seijuuro-kun stopped the car and parked it on the road side. He then cupped my face in his hands and make me face him. “Look, I’m right here, okay. Stop beating yourself up. I’ll always be here all throughout your pregnancy. I won’t even let your parents get mad at you. I’ll protect you.” He gave me a kiss on my forehead. “I know that we just met but I am pretty sure that right now. All I want is to be with you.” He rests his forehead against mine. “I know this sound stupid, but believe me when I tell you that I am in love with you. And of course I absolutely love the child inside you.”

“We just met.”

“And that’s the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me.”

“You’re just trying to make me feel better…”

“I’m not.” He said.


He pecked my lips quickly and then lets me go. “I’m absolute. Believe in me.”

I can’t help but smile as he smiled smugly at me. “Just drive the car.”

“I will, my lovely wife.”

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