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Kuroko was hurrying down the hallway to see his boyfriend, Aomine-kun. He heard from his classmates that Aomine was going to the lab. Today is their first year anniversary and Kuroko was hurrying to meet Aomine to tell him that he’s ready to give his self to him. He’s ready to finally have sex with him. You see… they never gone past kissing. Aomine told Kuroko that he won’t pressure him into anything and that he’ll wait until he’s ready.

Feeling excitement boiling up from his belly, along with nervousness and worries about what would happen later, he failed to notice a certain red head walking while reading opposite him. He’s running so fast that by the time he saw him, he already collided with him.

The red head fell backwards, with Kuroko on top him.

“Ow….” Kuroko moved his head to see the face of the person that he crashed. To his surprise, his eyes were met with a pair of mesmerizing red eyes.  His head is adorned with the brightest and most expressive red hair he has ever seen before. And his face… is really really good. He’s really gorgeous… probably the most gorgeous man he’d ever seen!

“Has anyone told you that staring is rude?”

He quickly got up and bowed his head to apologize, hiding his blush behind his expressionless face. “I’m sorry!” He offered his hand to him. “Here, let me help you.”

“No need.” The red head stood up and dust his clothes. He picked up the book and then finally looked at the blue hair that collided with him. He stared for a while before he let out a really seductive smile.
“Ah… I, um, I gotta go! Bye!” Before the red head could say anything.

Left all alone in the hallway, the red head couldn’t help but smile dangerously.


Kuroko finally reached the lab.

He silently went inside and went around the room to look for his boyfriend.

“Where is he?” He’s about to call out for him when he heard a voice coming from the storage room of the lab. He nervously went there to take a look, thinking that Aomine is just there sleeping.

After taking a few steps, he finally saw his boyfriend. He was about to call him when he heard another voice. A voice that’s unbelievably familiar to him.

“Aominecchi… harder…”

“Damn, Kise, you’re so tight.”

Their pants and constant dirty talks are what filled the place. He quickly hid himself behind the shelves and put hand over his mouth. Suppressing the tears that was threatening to spill from his eyes, he took his phone out and call Aomine.

Aomine’s phone continued ringing but he just ignored it.

“Aominecchi… your phone… your phone is ringing… Ahh!!”

“Ignore it….” He thrusted harder against Kise.

Feeling his heart breaks in two, Kuroko felt motionless. He couldn’t even move from the spot he was in. He turned his phone off. Feeling weak on his knees, he slid won the floor and sat, hugging his knees close to his chest, with his hands trying to close off his ears from hearing the current activity that’s going on just a few steps behind him.

His best friend and his boyfriend were having sex.

The two persons that he trusted the most in his life is now betraying him.


His eyes are getting blurry with tears as he stares at his phone, waiting for Aomine to call him. But he didn’t. The clock has already strike twelve signaling the end of their anniversary but he did not receive a single call or text from his boyfriend.

He completely forgot about him.

Gathering up all the courage that he has in his body, he picks his phone up and dialed Aomine’s number.
After a few rings, Aomine answered his phone grumpily.

-What is it, Tetsu? I’m quite busy here.

Biting his bottom lip, Kuroko answered slowly. “Aomine-kun, are you aware that yesterday was our anniversary?”

-Is it? Damn! I forgot! Sorry, Tetsu! I was busy trying to finish a paper that’s due tomorrow!

“With whom?”

-With… a classmate of mine. We’re in the library ‘til late at night.



“Do you… do you love me?”

-What? Sure. Yeah. I do. What’s gotten into you?

“Then… let me rephrase my question, Aomine-kun.” He took a deep breath. “Are you cheating on me?”

-…………….Tet----- Aominecchi, hurry up! The bath’s ready!

“I guess that answer my question, huh? How long? How long had you been cheating on me, Aomine-kun?!”

-Tsk. Tetsu, don’t go anywhere I’ll be there!

“No! I want you to answer now! Are you cheating on me?!”


“Answer me!”

-…..Yes. I am…

“Why? Why! Am I not enough for you?! Do you love him more than you love me?

-I’m sorry Tetsu… -  Kuroko silently sob. -Please stop crying, Tetsu…. I-

“Stop. Don’t say anything.” He tried to hold back his tears. “Let’s break up.”

-Tetsu…  All right…. If that’s what you want.

The call ended.

Left in a daze, Kuroko throw his phone to the wall.  Feeling broken, ashamed, and betrayed, he took his wallet put a hoodie on and left his apartment.

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