Chapter 12: Loving You from a Distance

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“That ex of yours is really something, Aomine.” Teppei said. “He’s gotten prettier than when he’s dating you. He’s practically glowing.”

“Did you really choose Kise over him just because he’s not having sex with you?” Imayoshi asked with a smirk. “He’s oozing with innocence when you’re dating him but look at him now… Even with his belly that big he’s still attracting a lot of bees.”

“No wonder Akashi-san is always on the vicinity.” Koganei nods his head repeatedly. “If I’m the one dating Kuroko, I’ll make sure to guard him properly.”

I kept my eyes on him as he sat on the bench, caressing his bulging stomach while talking with Kagami. His belly is getting bigger by the day but it doesn’t make him less beautiful. Match it with his beautiful hair that’s already long enough to be braided on the side.


Hearing my name being called, I turned my head around and saw Kise. Kise seemed to join us without me knowing. “Kise.”

“Mou... I already told you to call me by my first name. Why are you still calling me Kise?” He pouted his lips and gave me a sad puppy look. If it was before, this look of him would definitely be able to arouse me, but now, as if it was some kind of fad that lost its popularity, it’s got totally no effect on me. Like I’ve been doused with an ice-cold water that woke me up from a dream.

“Sorry. I’ll keep that in mind.” I kissed him to appease his mind. Nowadays, I’m not even sure why I’m still on a relationship with Kise. Being with him, having sex with him used to be fun but now, all of it was like a job to me. Something that I have to do not because I want to, but because life requires me to. “Why are you here?”

“I saw you so I come over.” Kise said with a smile on his face as he clings on to me. “I haven’t seen you for a while and I missed you so so much!”

“I missed you as well.” I answered as I mechanically put my hands around him, ignoring the weird looks and rolling of eyes that I got from my friends.

“I’ll come over tonight, okay?” Kise asks.

“Okay. I’ll wait for you after class.” I said as I kissed the top of his head. My eyes darting towards Tetsu’s direction who’s now happily cuddling with that red haired bastard husband of his.


“I don’t get you. It’s clear that you’re not in love and infatuated nor blinded by Kise’s seduction anymore so why still stay with him?” Koganei asked. “Why not just break up with him so you could reflect on what you’ve done wrong in your life?”

“He broke up with Kuroko to be with Kise. If he ended up breaking up with him, won’t his pride be shattered? He cheated with his boyfriend with the guy’s best friend, broke his innocent heart that he tainted in the first place, now I’m glad that you didn’t get to reach the final base with Kuroko.” Imayoshi said with a sigh.

“You guys… you were my friends, aren’t you supposed to take my side? You guys have been ganging up on me ever since we broke up.”

“It’s because you’re the one in the wrong. Such a pure angel and you let him go just like that and now he’s got devoured and impregnated by a rich devil.” Koganei answered.

“What devil? He’s more like a demon king.” Imayoshi commented.  “But… Kuroko had tamed him well.”

“I’ve had enough this talk.” I stood up and sling my bag over my body. “I’ll be going ahead.”


I woke up in the middle of the night feeling that my throat was really dry. I got up and look at the naked Kise on my bed. He was fast asleep; it’s understandable considering the strenuous activity that we had just done.

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to drink water.

“Daikicchi?” Kise pressed his body against my back.

“Did I wake you?”

“No… I missed your warmth.” I turned my body around and put my arms around him. “Daikicchi….”

“What is it?”

“You love me, right?”

“What’s making you ask this?”

“Nothing. I just… I just want to hear that from you.” He said as he rubs his face on my bare chest. “I love you so much.”

“I know. I love you too.” But I love Tetsu more.

His face beamed happily as he pulled me in for a kiss. “I’ll make you the happiest man, Daikicchi. I love you. I really really love you.” But I know I’ll never be happy. I’ve already lost my happiness.

“Please do, Ryouta.”

That’s rude. I’ve been sitting here longer than you.

I’m Kuroko Tetsuya. Nice to meet you, Aomine-kun.

You’re doing really good, Aomine-kun. As expected of you, you’ll make it as a regular, I believe in you.

I’ll always be by your side. You can rely on me.

I love you as well, Aomine-kun. Yes, I want to be your boyfriend.

Tetsu… I love you. I love you so much. Please… please let me love you from a distance.

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