Chapter 21: The cat's finally out of the bag.

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News of Kuroko giving birth spread around.

Partly because of Momoi’s post on her Instagram featuring Kuroko and his newly born baby, belly down, on the top of his chest. Akashi was by Kuroko’s side, his arm wrapped on his husband’s shoulder and his left hand gently supporting their baby’s back while sporting a smile on his face.

“Kuroko-san already gave birth.” Furihata suddenly said. “We should buy a gift and visit him! Are they still in the hospital, Kagami?”

“They weren’t in a hospital.” Kagami answered. “He gave birth on their home’s living room.”

“What?!” Furihata exclaimed. “Is Kuroko-san, alright?!”

“Of course he is! You wouldn’t see that picture if he’s not!” Kagami answered.

While Kagami and his group were making a ruckus on what to buy to give to the baby; Aomine is trying his best to shut the noise out. He wasn’t interested in hearing anything about his ex giving birth to someone else’s child. He wasn’t interested in learning that Kuroko gave birth in his home. He wasn’t interested in thinking how gorgeous Kuroko looked; how beautiful and perfect he was with the baby on the top of his chest.  The baby was beautiful, if weren’t for the baby’s red dark hair (a few shades darker than his father that would gradually fades since apparently the baby’s hair color would still change until he was a few months old).


Aomine looked over to Kise. “What is it?”

“We should go somewhere and eat!” Kise said.

Before Aomine answered, his phone’s message tone goes off. He looked at it and read the message.


“Sorry. I can’t.” He showed Kise the message. “Mom’s asking me to go home as early as possible.”


Aomine was welcomed by his mother’s over the top excitement. She was busy preparing a gift that looked like baby things on the table and she was busy ordering her husband to do so.

“You’re finally here! You rascal!” Aomine’s mother said. “How can you not tell me that you got that sweet, adorable and angelic future son-in-law of mine pregnant?! I’ve already prepared all the necessary gifts that we will be needing so that Tatsuya-san and Megumi-chan won’t be mad at us! You should have married the bo-“

“Mom! I am not dating Tetsu anymore!” Aomine answered in exasperation.

His mother froze. “You… Did you leave him after you learn that you got him pregnant?! How could you!”

“No! Mom… I am not the father of Tetsu’s baby!” Aomine gritted his teeth. “We’ve already ended everything between us nine months ago and he got married to someone else and that bastard is the father of his baby!”

“What do you mean?” His father asks, suddenly joining their conversation. “Did Tetsu-chan cheat on you?”

“No.” Aomine inhaled deeply for he knows that what he was about to say would deeply hurt his mother. His mother was literally in love with Kuroko and she wanted nothing more than to have him be part of her family. “I… I was the one that cheated on him. I cheated on him… with Kise.” He confessed.

His parents’ jaw dropped.

“You… cheated on that adorable boy…” His Mother couldn’t stop her emotions. Tears started pouring out. “I know you were a player but I never thought you would hurt that boy…”


“How could you do that? Such a nice and sweet boy yet you betrayed his trust. I can’t believe you.” His mother turned her back on them.


“Why did you cheat on him?” His father suddenly asked. “Is it because he won’t have sex with you?”

“What?” Aomine asked, startled by his father’s bluntness.

“Don’t try to lie to me. I know you haven’t touched that boy. Tatsuya’s overly protective of his only boy and when he learned that his boy is one of those men that can get pregnant, he made his son promised him that he won’t have any sexual relationship before he reached twenty.”

“How did you…”

“Tatsuya always bragged about their father and son pact whenever he got drunk.” His father answered. “So did you cheat on you because you can’t get on his pants?”

“No! Dad, I love him. I love him so much…”

“But your desire for sex is much stronger?”

“No! That’s not it!” Aomine strongly argued. “I am willing to wait for him until he’s ready!”

“Then why?”

That question ultimately shut him up. Kuroko never asked him that question. He never did. “I….”

“Heat of the moment, is that it?” His Dad finally said. “Someone’s offering their body to you so you just accepted it?”

“Dad… I…”

Just then, his mother suddenly stormed out and ordered them to the car. “I called Megumi-chan, Tetsu-chan and his baby were currently staying at their house. We’re going there now.”

“What? No! I don’t think this is a good idea, Mom!”

“It is. And you’re going whether you like it or not. Now, get on the car!”


Kuroko’s residence.

Kuroko and Akashi decided that it would be best for them to stay at the Kuroko’s for a couple of weeks. They were still new to parenting and it would help them great deal to have Kuroko’s parents by their side. Especially since Akashi’s still attending university at the same time interning for his father’s company. He never wanted to leave his husband and child all alone by himself on their flat.

“I am having a house built for us.” Akashi said as he watched his son. Masaya’s sleeping peacefully on the crib that they set up on their room (used to be Kuroko’s room). They won’t be staying for a long time at the house so they decided not to make a nursery even though his father-in-law was so eager to make one.

“Why? I don’t think we really need to have a new one for now.”

“Tetsuya, our current home, no matter how luxurious and extravagant looking it was, was not really something that I would want my family to live in.” Akashi answered. “I want our place to have a garden where our children could happily play around. Where they free to run. And I want your inputs on it… the decorations, the interiors, I wanted it to be decided by the both of us, for our family.”

Kuroko was internally smitten by his husband’s words though he hide it with his never ending expressionless face. “That’s very nice of you, Seijuuro.”

“We’re a family. We should make a decision together.” He put his arms around his husband’s waist a peck his lips. “But I’m pretty much I’ll do anything you wanted me to.  Just like how Reo says it, I’m so whipped. You have me wrapped under your gorgeous fingers, my Empress.”

“….You really do say embarrassing things, Seijuuro.” Kuroko exclaimed as he tried to hide his blush by burying his face on the nook of his husband’s neck.

“And we both know that you like it.” Akashi chuckles as he lightly rub his hands on Kuroko’s back.

A knock was heard at the already opened door and Kuroko’s father went in. “Tetsu-chan, the Aomine’s are here.” Just in time with his father’s arrival, Masaya woke up.


Kuroko and Akashi were now sitting on the living with the baby on Kuroko’s arms. Aomine’s mother was busy cooing at the child. She was so smitten with how adorable the baby is. He’s too docile. With his deep red colored hair and eyes’ shaped like his Dad (Kuroko and Akashi decided that Akashi would be called Dad and Tetsuya, Papa).

Kuroko’s parents are also there, chatting with Aomine’s father. While Aomine is looking at the couple with expression that says a lot of things. He was not entirely happy that his mother is gushing over the child of his ex. And totally doesn’t make him happy that the bastard’s left arm is wrapped around Kuroko’s waist.

“Such a sweet child! You are so blessed, Tetsu-chan!” Aomine’s mother exclaimed.

“Thank you, Auntie.” Kuroko answered with a smile on his face. “Oh… I haven’t introduced you to my husband yet.” He looked over to Akashi who was sitting beside him. “Aunt, meet my husband, Seijuuro.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Aomine-san.” Akashi politely greeted the woman. “I am Akashi Seijuuro and I have the honor of having Tetsuya as my husband.”

The woman eyed him from head to toe. After a few minutes, she smiled. “You look like you’re a nice boy!” She beamed at him happily. “Tetsu-chan is like a son to me so if you hurt him….”

“You don’t have to worry about that, madam. I love Tetsuya so much I can’t bear to hurt. My son and Tetsuya are my everything.” Akashi declared.

“Seijuuro…” Kuroko’s entire face turned red from embarrassment. “Masaya, your Daddy’s being corny again.”

“I’m not. I’m just being honest to myself.” Akashi mused as he take in the sight of his very embarrassed husband. 

Masaya suddenly cried.

“Sorry, Auntie. But I think we need to get Masaya back to our room.” Kuroko stood up together with Akashi.

“I understand. I’ll visit again next time.” She said.

“Thank you for your gifts to our child.” Akashi expressed his gratitude for receiving a lot of beautiful gifts from the older woman. The two politely bowed their heads as they excused themselves to get their son back to their room.

“Such a shame.” Aomine’s mother smiled kindly and lovingly. “I used to think that I will have Tetsu-chan as my son-in-law in the near future… but my son destroyed that dream of mine. If I only my son isn’t stupid and did not hurt Tetsu-chan...”

“Hurt?” That word perked Tatsuya’s ears. “Who hurt who?”

“You didn’t know?”Aomine’s mother asked. “The reason why the two broke up?”

“No. The kids never told us why they broke up.” Tatsuya looked over to where Aomine is. “Daiki, can you tell me why my son broke up with you?”

Aomine visibly stiffened when he heard Tatsuya’s question. “We…. I…”

“Answer my question, Daiki.” Tatsuya’s tone is terribly deep. He really wanted to know why the two broke up. As far as he knows, the two were very much in love with each other and he remembered Daiki telling him that he wanted to marry his only child. How was it that two person so in love with each other suddenly end their relationship with his child getting married to the son of that sadistic senpai of his?

“I…”Aomine took a deep breath. Then, he looked bravely at Tatsuya’s eyes. “I cheated on him… with Kise.”

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