-ck, listen to me

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I ran quietly to the school and throw the door opened. I stare at one of the most important rooms in school. Or it was to me, at this moment. I needed that room and now it flooded, the one thing book can't handle, that and fire, but he wouldn't set the school on fire. Taro would sent to another school and never seen again. I stepped out of the water and sighed. "One step ahead. Huh." I muttered and stared at the room. "Miss, you can't be in here. This room has to be drained, and the book have to dried or replaces." I walk about to walk away when I pulled out of the school. I walked over to my class and they all looked at me. "What the hell/ why was she in the school? Did she jump the rails?" I hear Musume say. I looked over at her and she smirked at me. I walked away from her and learned on a tree. "It was a pipe that bruised." I heard, I stared at him, his dark eyes and smoothed down darken hair. His hair the was noticeably wet and anyone on to him would know that a pipe didn't bruised it was broken. Right now he was pleased with himself, gladly smirking at his accomplishments. His goal was now closer because he thought he ruined all my proof on him. "I'm one step ahead of you pal." I muttered. "What?" He asked me.

"I said take one step at a time pal. The school will be open soon and after it been drained from the halls. Once that is done, everything will go back to the way is was." I said and thought about how stupid I was right now. "Are you mad that your hole paper it gone? All you had on my news is flouting like boat in the river." he said to me. "Nope, i'll just work on something new." I said to him. "Like what? How your boyfriend isn't here to help you when you need him?" He asked me. " like the fact that a new pipe broke." I said to him. I looked around and smiled. "Doesn't anyone find that weird?" I asked everyone. "You've snapped. Too bad Budo hates bullies." Musume said. "Musume, I could say a million things about it you, but keep my mouth shut. Why because it called the nice thing to do. It's not hard to find dirt on someone who can't hide it." I spat at her. She pushed classmates out of her way and stood in front of me. "Your the nice thing? I'd hate to see the bad thing." she said to me and was super pissed now at her. I didn't realize how feed up with everything I was and her shit was pushing more that is should have.

"You don't have to look far to see it. Try a mirror, you'd see it for sure. I mean look around Musume. Everyone hates, or fears yous. Your friends follow you because they are all scared of you 'daddy'. You tried to push a first year off the roof, and when that couldn't happen you had to try the only person who stood up for them. You bully everyone in your way, hell you just pushed someone to look tough. You bully anyone in your way, myself when I 'get in your way with Budo'. You treat him like his a dog who will come to your call and when he doesn't listen you you get even more pissed about it. Read my lips and hear what I say... He's. Not. Into. You. And this is pissing you off more because you can't swallow the truth. Your not as scary as you think. You want to talk about scary?" I asked, catching my breath and looking at her. Her eyes were just staring at me, trying to drill a hole through my head.

"All the murders that happen this year, the students who can't live the rest of their lives, the students that can no longer be heard and seen. Their chooses came to an end when they were killed, or used as means to an end. You want take about scary try being locked away, in a dark room waiting for something to happen, knowing that hope, that safety may never come. To live in fear that today could be your last. To know when it's way too late and know that you can't do anything about it. Don't talk to me about my bad self when I have lived through hell and I'm not scared of some winey blonde, who want to the dark thing is school, but just added to drama. Well the real darkness hides elsewhere. Your not dark or bad, just drama that people will forget." I said to her and she stood there.

"You prove everything, you think your smarter than everyone. You think you're the smartest person in school. If you were as smart as you think you are, you would know when to turn away and shut that lips of your. You know nothing about me, and you have to prove to everyone that your smarter. You think that by stopping some girls having fun on the roof was bullying? We had her, we're not stupid. You think that you can do anything on your own, that you can handle anything the world throws at you, but you can't. You think you're smart, but really everyone on the outside sees the truth. You just wrap everyone around that finger of your and keep them on the tight lase. I may be a distraction to Budo, but you keep him on lase, holding him like an object and then you bring him down. I see the way he is around you, with those sad eyes of his. You make Budo feel stupid and that's the only thing keeping him there with you. By abusing him he stays to earn you love and respect. You think he really likes you? Loves you? Your his means to an end." She said to me. The smirk on her face and light in her eyes was pushing me too far. I sighed, letting it all out and looked up at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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