Epilogue Pt. 1 The Proposal

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1 Year Later


The day was May 27, 2019, I was officially 18 and graduating in less than an hour. I stood next to my beautiful girlfriend of over one year. I looked around at my classmates. These two years at South Ridge Prep were the best of my life. I remember when I first met Everly and how I was attracted by not only her beauty but her voice as well. She looked at me and gave a nervous smile. I returned it thinking of the square shaped box in my pocket. The next few hours went by in a blur. Everly with her last name starting with an A was one of the first ones to receive her diploma. Finally, they reached the K's. I walked up on stage and wiped my hands on my robe. Then I shook Mr. Farth's hand. Once we were all done Arnold, being the Valedictorian, walked up on stage to start his speech.

"Today is an important day. Graduation only happens once or twice in our lives. Truthfully I'm not too great of a speaker, so I'll try to keep it short. We have all grown up together and even the teachers have watched us grow into the people we are today. Though there are several cliques or groups in our school, we all have one thing in common. We are the class of 2019, in other ways we all have different talents, different interests and they have led us to our friends, the people who have shaped us to be who we are. School is a very important part of our life, though some may disagree. After this day, we have the chance to follow our dreams and join any career we want because we can do anything! Without further ado. Let's enjoy our new found freedom! Who's with me?!" And with that everyone threw their caps into the air.

The speech was really beautiful, and it was true. I had only been here for two years but my friends, Everly, Mia, Alex, Hannah, Arnold, Harrison, and even Aviana had really changed me. I don't know how it happened but I felt my legs moving towards the stage once again. Without thinking I grabbed the microphone from Arnold's hands and held it up to my mouth.

"E-Everly Annalore could you please come up here?" I blurted out. I looked over to see Mr. Farth glaring at me for interrupting the graduation. Soon quiet feet came pitter-pattering up the stairs. "Can I ask you something?" She looked confused. This was the moment I'd been waiting for, ever since I first laid eyes on her. Then like I'd been imagining since I was a little boy, I got down on one knee. "We haven't yet known each other for two years but you have truly made me the happiest man on earth. In this time you have changed me for the better. I'm more optimistic and open. You have allowed me to make new friends and learn that not everyone wants to take advantage of you. I want to officially call you mine. I want to have beautiful children with you that sing like angels. I want to be your husband. So I ask, will you marry me?" I pulled the ring out of my pocket and lifted it up to her. She looked at me and then started bawling. "Well?" I asked fearing she would say no.

"Yes," She choked out. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I stood up and slipped the ring on her finger then she nestled into my shoulder. She was getting snot and tears on my robe but I didn't care. Right now I was the happiest man alive.

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