Chapter 27: The Sleepover

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I was truly grateful for all of my presents but Karson's was my favorite. We had sat down to start watching Christmas Vacation and Mia and Harrison were arguing over whether or not The Nightmare Before Christmas was a Halloween or Christmas movie. Anyways I lay with my head on Karson's lap and he stroked my hair while we watched the movie. At around 8:30 the movie ended and we watched another one while drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows and peppermint. Before I knew it the time read 11:00.

"Hey, guys it's 11," I yawned half asleep.

"I don't feel like driving home," Hannah said.

"Well, I'm not doing it either..." Harrison grumbled.

"Let me ask my mom if you can all stay over. I don't think she'd want us underage children driving around at almost 12 in the morning."

"Hey, I'm not underage." Alex protested.

"Oh shut your pretty mouth," Mia said shoving her hand in his face. Then she walked up the stairs to find her mom. After a few minutes, she came stumbling down the stairs with a few sleeping bags and blankets. "My mom said you guys can stay just make sure you text your parent or guardian and she said, and I quote, 'no funny business.'" She said turning to Karson and I. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"Can't promise you that fire girl." He said.

"What did you just call me boy?" And then he went into a story about how before he met us he called Mia fire girl and me mystery girl. By midnight we were all settled into our sleeping bags. The TV was still on though we were barely paying attention. Hannah and Arnold had cuddled up next to each other and were talking. Harrison, who didn't approve went and sat right in between them and snuggled into his bag. Mia was thinking along the same lines and walked over towards Karson and me so I said,

"Nope. I know what you're doing Mia. Now steer yourself around and go converse with Alex or something." She looked shocked but then she stalked across the room to talk about who knows what with Alex.

"How'd you like your Christmas present?" Karson asked me.

"It's beautiful. I don't even wanna know how much it cost."

"And I'm not gonna tell you."

"Probably for the better."

"Yep. Well, I'm tired so I don't know about you but I'm going to sleep." He said stretching and then climbing in. Inconspicuously I scooted my sleeping bag so close to his they were almost touching.

"Looks like someone's eager to get me in bed." He said peeking out of his bag.

"Wh- it's not like that!" I said blushing and turning over so my back was to him.

"Hey, I'm just joking with ya. I don't mind if you lay next to me. I mean we are dating."



"Okay then," I said turning back around and we were face to face. He reached his tongue out and licked my nose. "Ewww you sicko!" I spluttered.

"Aww, you like it."

"No that's gross!" I sat up and everyone was looking at us questioningly. Mia and Alex were glaring at us and Harrison it seems had just woke up.

"Will you guys stop flirting and shut the hell up!" He yelled.

"He's the one that licked my nose!" I exclaimed pointing to him.

"Oh, Karson didn't know you were into that kinda stuff." Hannah chuckled and now Karson turned beet red. I lay back down and stared into his blue bell eyes.

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