Chapter 22: Would You Be My?

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"I don't get it, why are you taking me here?" Everly asked as I guided her towards Missy.

"I have a surprise for you and I need you to stay here until I'm done. Don't you trust me?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Don't worry darling I will make you even more gorgeous than you already are." Beauty gave one last pleading glance and I walked away laughing.

After leaving I walked towards the hotel and my mind wandered back to the day before. When we had worked as a team to take down my father. I had been surprised that she was able to throw a good punch. She wasn't as frail as I'd thought. Then I thought back to those words she had said about me and how I was the best man that she'd ever met and that she would fight for me. I smiled knowing that I was making the right choice. Once I got to the hotel I walked inside surprised to see Alex sitting on our bed.

"I want you to tell me everything." He said with a hard look.


I explained every last detail. Well besides the kiss. But that was something we needed to keep to ourselves. As much as I wanted to keep everything to myself I knew that he was relieved that I had confided in him. After all, he was my brother.

"Huh. So she really punched him?" He asked laughing.

"Yup. But it was mostly a collaborative effort," I chuckled. "So where have you been? After you stormed out where did you go?"

"Oh, that? I crashed at my friend Matt's house since I was so angry and I fell asleep on the couch so I just got back here." He replied nonchalantly.

"That explains a lot. So you really mean it? If I ask her out you won't care?"

"Nah man. I know you like her too much. I wouldn't do that to my brother." I felt bad because I would do it to him.

"Thanks, bro," I said giving him an awkward side hug.

"It's no problem."

"So you're really gonna do it?"

"Yeah. I just hope she says yes."

"I think she will. She's in love with you too. She just may not know it yet."

"You think so?" I asked curiously.

"Yup. Now, don't you have a certain lady to ask out?"

"Right. On it," I smiled at him and then walked to the other side of the room to make a few phone calls. "Yes. Two dozen tiger lilies. Okay, thank you. I'll pick them up in a few hours." Only a few calls left to go.


I tugged nervously at the cuffs of my suit. It was fairly cold so I had on a hat with my long sleeve, jacket, and dress shoes. I pushed up my shades and did a double check over the tiger lilies to make sure there wasn't a single one out of place. I was standing in the middle of Missy's store waiting for Everly to come out from behind the door. And when she did I was shocked. I looked at the beautiful women in the red dress. I had already seen it on her before but I was still taken aback by her beauty. She had on her strapless red dress with a black silk shawl and red heels. But her face was the most astounding. Black smoky eyes, full and plump red lips and an up do of curls that I could run my hands through all day.

"Now you take good care of her." Missy winked at me, in on the plan.

"Oh, I will." Beauty looked up at me with a questioning glance. "You'll find out soon enough," I assured her. "Now let's go." I lead her outside into the gleaming white carriage that was awaiting us.

"Oh, Karson it's beautiful!"

"This is only the beginning darling." I smiled at her awed face and lifted her up into it.

"What's behind your back?" She asked curiously.

"Oh, these?" I said as I pulled out the flowers.

"Awww tiger lilies! How'd you know they're my favorite? It was Mia wasn't it?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Do you like them?"

"I love them! Now, where are we going?"


"Okay." She said as she leaned her head on my shoulder.


"We're here, Beauty," I said gently shaking her shoulder to wake her up.

"Where are we?"

"At the Per Se, an amazing restaurant. It's 4 1/2 stars. Only the best for my Beauty."

"Thank you." She smiled, still half asleep.


"Where are we going now?" She asked after we finished our delicious food.

"To the park. If you don't mind?" I said crawling back into the carriage.

"Of course not. I still don't get it. Why did you take me out to a fancy restaurant? Why didn't Alex come with us?"

"Oh, you know...Alone time."

"Oo...kay...? Oh, shoot I just realized! I said I would pay for all my food while I was here! Just tell me how much it was I'll pay you back when we get to the hotel!" I figured now was not the time to mention I was paying for all of her food and she didn't know.

"No, it's okay. Tonight was my treat!"

"If you insist..." She grumbled.

"Ah, we're here!" I said as the carriage came to a stop. She went to step out but tripped. She would have fallen flat on her face if I hadn't caught her. She lay there in my arms and I didn't want the moment to end but she stood up and wiped herself off.

"Thanks. Stupid heels." She cursed to herself. I set out my hand and she grabbed it. Then we walked around hand in hand. I lead her over to a small hut made out of marble. She bent down to smell the roses and when she got back up I was staring at her.

"Everly I want to ask you a question."


"Come here." We walked inside the building and sat down on a small convenient bench.

"Just spit it out." She said with her heartwarming smile.

"Look...I know we haven't known each other for very long but...These past few months with you...Have been the best of my life. So I was wondering...would you be my...." I looked up at her emerald green orbs. "Girlfriend?"

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