Chapter 17: Objects Of Value

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"HE WHAT!?" Mia screamed.

"He kissed me."


The next few weeks went by in a blur. But let's go back to when Karson asked me to go.


"Will you go with me to New York during winter break? My dad wants me to go home and meet his flavor of the month and I-I don't think I can go alone. And Alex doesn't want to go so... Do you want to go with me? And I'll obviously pay for everything."

"Of course."

I should have thought it through but I didn't. Besides, why wouldn't I pass up a free trip to New York with Karson Kape? Anyone who wouldn't is crazy. But I mostly agreed because it was hard to watch Karson be in pain like that. Even if Alex was to go with him I felt like it would make him feel better if I went too.


Anyways we had officially gotten out of school and everything was planned. Karson, Alex, and I would be staying in a hotel near their house. We would stay for about a week. Karson was paying for my tickets and everything else except for my food, which he was willing to buy but I insisted on paying for at least something. Tomorrow we would be leaving and I had been putting off packing. Of course, Joe and Kim were ecstatic for me to leave and I was okay with it. Now, Karson was standing in my room picking out my outfits. I had to hand it to him, the man had style.

"Ugghh you have nothing," he said lying on my bed defeated.

"Now you sound like Mia and Hannah," I giggled.

"Oh, speaking of Hannah, how's Harrison?" He asked referring to Hannah's twin brother.

"I don't know. You're the one obsessed with him, not me." I gave him a sly smirk.

"I am not! We're just friends. Besides, I know you're obsessed with me, not him."

"And what makes you think that?" Immediately after I asked he leaned in, his face only centimeters from mine.

"Because only I can make you blush."

"Ahh! Stop doing that!"

"Doing what?" He asked pulling away dumbfounded.

"Woo-ing me!"

"Why? Is it working?"


"Don't worry. I know I'm irresistible."

"Karson Kaleb Kape. You're a handful to put up with."

"You love me though," I blushed again. "I-I mean not like that. Well... Just forget I said anything."

I smiled in bliss, now he was the one blushing. "Let's get back to picking out my outfits."

"Yeah...But seriously you have nothing. You have to give me something to work with!"

"Follow me... Just know these items are very close and dear to me." I lead him to a little box in the back of my closet. In it was the collection of some of my mother's clothes. We were both petite women and now I was able to fit into them. But I hadn't worn them yet. I was too self-conscious. I opened up the box and there was the collection of clothes. A short black skirt, a long sleeve pink sweater with a white collar, a strapless white dress, a light blue cardigan, and black knee-high socks. My mom definitely had more style than I do. Just looking at them brought tears to my eyes.

"They were your mother's weren't they?" He said more as a statement than a question.

"How can you tell?"

"Anything that you own that was your parents...You look at it like it's the only thing that exists. Take your necklace for example. You never take it off, and you may not notice but you're always touching it. To make sure it's still there."

"You sure pay a lot of attention."

"You're the center of my attention. I notice everything about you. Now, how about you try those outfits on. I know you'll look beautiful."

"That's very flattering...But I don't think I can try on those clothes yet, but...Soon."

"I understand."

"Thank you. For everything."

"It's no problem. Well, since you only have two outfits as contestants, as soon as we get to New York I'll take you shopping. My treat, an early birthday present. Speaking of which. When is your birthday?"

"Aw Karson, thank you! And... it's March 23rd."


"When's yours?"

"Oh like you don't know." He said giving me a small smile. He was right. Of course, I knew.

"Mmm...August 4th.." I whispered. His smile grew wider.

"I knew it."

"Shut up," I mumbled.

"You're too cute."

"I know."

"Ha!" He chuckled. "Anyways, where are Joe and Kim? It's Sunday why aren't they at home?"

"Having a picnic. Speaking of which. They should be home soon, you might wanna leave."

"Will do. See 'ya tomorrow Beauty. I'll be here at 7:00 which I know you won't be awake by then but I'll wake you up and you'll have to explain it to Joe and Kim."

"I'll be up... Goodbye... Handsome."

"D-did you just call me Handsome? I like it."

He strolled out of my room and once I heard his car disappear, I started squealing, then I called Mia to tell her everything, I was so excited.

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