Chapter 24: Mission Malex

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It was a few days until Christmas. Everly and I had officially been together for about a week and we were still going strong. We had started to raise suspicion because people on the streets had seen us together.

"We're going to have to tell people soon 'ya know," I said as we walked down the street hand in hand.

"Oh let em stare. If they haven't figured it out by now then they're stupid."

"Well, the media sure has it figured out."

"Whad'ya mean?"

"Well..." I said handing her the newspaper I picked up before we left New York.

Who Is This Lovely Lady Next To Karson Kape At A Couples Ice Cream Shop? The headline read.

"Are you kidding me?" She groaned.

"I'm sorry. I thought no one would be out. That's the quieter side of town."

"My friends and I were just hanging around when we heard someone scream Karson's name. We ran about a block and I saw him standing with a girl that had shoulder-length black hair. She had on a red dress and green eyes. We snapped a picture and when I turned to look again they were gone."

"That little brat and her friends saw us." She scowled.

"I shouldn't have shown you."

"No no, it's fine. I knew this would happen. I mean you're so famous so..."

"Whether I'm famous or not you shouldn't have to deal with something like this... Hey, I have an idea!"


"What If we hold a concert it something? We can announce we're dating and you can announce who you are!"

"I don't know...I mean... You know how scared I get singing in front of people."

"How were you able to sing at the Hollister ball then?"

"Well...I did it for Mia. I owed her and I had on a mask. No one knew who I was so they couldn't judge me."

"I get it. But please? Won't you do it for me? We can sing a duet or something if that makes you feel better."

"You want to know why I declined your father's offer?"

"Um sure?"

"When I was growing up I always listened to your music. It was my lifelong dream to sing to you. When you messaged Mia that one time, I told her to not respond. I knew that if I sang with you, I'd just be someone in the background. You wouldn't care about me. Because I thought you'd just care about how much money you'd make off of me. I've worked very hard to be where I am now I didn't want to be outshone. I wanted to amount to something like my father. But now I know I can't do it alone. I need someone like my father needed my mother. I need you. So I've forgotten everything I said before. Yes, I'll sing with you. I'll do it as long as you'd like."

"I-I didn't know you felt that way..." I don't know why I expected her to automatically want to sing with me. "I need you too." I pulled her into a strong hug and gave her a light kiss on the neck.

"So how are we gonna do it?"

"Do what?"

"Set up a concert. How will we do it?"

"Just leave it to me. You won't have to raise a finger."

"But I want to help." She pouted.

"Better stick that lip back in before I bite it," I smirked but she continued to do it. I leaned in and then she obeyed. "Now let's go shopping."


"Hmm, what do you think Alex would like?" She asked.

"I don't know. Maybe a paint set or something. What about Mia?" I asked. I needed to make a good impression on her.

"A paint set," She said setting down a hat. "Hey, I just thought about something. Why don't we try to set Mia and Alex up? I mean they both love art and stuff. We love singing; we're all perfect for each other. "

"I like the way you think. Let's call it Mission Malex."

"Pfftt Malex," She snorted. "I guess our name is Keverly."

"Hey, why is it only one letter of my name." I teased.

"Because I'm the better singer." She challenged.

"You wanna bet?"

"Yeah, I think I will. At the Christmas party. You, me, we'll each sing a Christmas song and everyone will choose who sounds better." She said cockily.

"Christmas party?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you. Mia's mom invited us to their annual Christmas party. Usually, it was just Mia's parents and I. But this year it's Alex, Hannah, Harrison, Arnold, you, and I have been invited. You will come won't you?"

"Of course," I smiled. "And I accept your challenge."

"Well, then it's game on."


We had finally finished shopping. I had gotten Mia and Alex an art set, Harrison a watch, Hannah a gold necklace, and a book for Arnold. Everly got Alex a beanie, Mia a fancy phone case, Hannah a few lipsticks, Harrison a new soccer ball, and Arnold a thesaurus. I had already bought Everly's gift but I didn't know if she got mine.

"Do you wanna go hang out at my house?" I asked.


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