Chapter 28: The 'Mother'

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By 12:00 we had all finished eating and Everly did the dishes. She was kind of like our mom, taking care of us. But of course, she, Alex, and I didn't have a mom. After the dishes were cleaned we all started packing up to leave.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Everly. Alex had already left in his car and I was going to meet Everly's 'parents.'

"Yeah one sec," She said grabbing her purse and phone. "Mkay, let's go."

"Bye guys!" I said waving to the remaining 4 people.

"Yeah bye!" Everly said.

We walked out of the house and got into my car. We drove about 5 minutes until we pulled into the driveway of Kim and Joe Leey. We walked up to the door and she said,

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah," I said giving a huge intake of breath. A little boy around the age of seven opened the door.

"Are you dating my sister?" He asked questioningly. I heard Everly gasp.

"What is it?" I asked quiet enough so the little boy couldn't hear.

"He's never called me his sister before. Remember, they usually hate me!" She whispered back.

"Yes. Yes, I am." I replied smiling. He looked me up and down and said.

"Okay. Do you like dinosaurs?"


"Come look at my collection." He said urgently dragging me into the house. I gave Everly a pleading look and she stepped into the house after me. I sat down next to the kid I think was named Grayson. He was pointing and naming all the different dinosaurs but I wasn't paying attention. I was trying to listen to Everly and Kim's conversation in the background.

"What's with the whole sister thing?" Everly asked.

"I'm trying to make Grayson be nice. He's young so he pretty much just listens and goes along with it. And it seems he gets along well with Karson so I guess that makes things easier."

"And I take it Joe still hasn't come around?"

"No, but I'm working on it."

"Hmm....Well then, would you like to meet Karson?"

"Sure. I hear his songs on the radio a lot. It's definitely weird to see him in our house." She said squealing.

"I agree. Well, I'm going to go upstairs and get changed. I didn't bring clothes because I didn't think we would be staying overnight. And I'm sorry about that."

"It's no problem. I'm just glad you texted." I was very confused. Whenever Everly talked about this family she had said bad things. They seemed pretty nice but then again they could just be sucking up because I was here. Beauty walked up the stairs and Kim came over to me. I stood up and shook her hand. She looked me up and down and then smiled.

"So you're Karson Kape. A pop star dating my Everly?"

"Yes, I suppose I am." It seemed she didn't know about Everly's backstory.

"Well. Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Leey and this is my son Grayson. Joe is currently out getting groceries but he should be home soon. Anyways, how long have you two been together?" As if on cue Everly walked downstairs.

"About two weeks. It happened while we were in New York." I said then explaining most of the story, leaving out the part about her dad. Huh, so she hadn't told Kim yet.

"It seems you two are pretty compatible. I know Everly likes to sing too. She's always doing it when she makes breakfast in the morning."

"Yeah about that um...I have something to tell you, 'ya know, about my singing..."

"I'm all ears." She said sitting down in a chair crossing her arms and legs. Everly explained the whole story about her parents. And even I learned some new things like how apparently when they adopted her, the workers said she just shared the last name as her father and that they weren't related. Kim ooh-ed and ahh-ed at all the right parts. But it seemed Grayson didn't comprehend everything. About halfway through he went back to playing with his dino's. Eventually, the story ended and Kim sat back in her chair.

"So you're really the daughter of Jae Annalore?"

"Yep." She blushed.

"I always listened to his music when I was younger. I never would have thought he had a daughter. Never yet that I adopted her myself. Did you know I wanted to get her?" She asked turning to me and pointing to Everly.


"I was supposedly barren so I begged Joe to adopt. He finally agreed. Once Everly turned 9 we tried again and I ended up having Grayson. He was always really sick though so I spent all of my time on him and Everly started learning how to take care of herself. I was horrible. I promised to take care of her and I treated her like crap for 7 years. I'm so sorry." She said as she started sobbing. Everly wrapped her arms around Kim and Grayson walked up.

"Mommy, are you okay?"

"Yes sweetie I'm fine," She said sitting up and wiping the tears from her face. "Well, I wish you both the best of luck. You have my stamp of approval."

"Thank you." I said secretly thinking, 'three down two to go.' Molly, Kim, and Grayson already approved and now I just needed Mia and Joe.

"Do you mind if I stick around until Joe gets back?" I asked.

"Oh no please stay," Kim replied. We waited for about another twenty minutes. Beauty was watching Nickelodeon with Grayson, and Kim was telling me funny stories about Everly when she was a little girl. "I'm not kidding. She started singing and the birds stopped to listen," Kim chuckled. "I remember that day. That was when I realized she was an amazing singer. I saw the video of you singing back in New York a few months ago. And I saw the newspaper." She said with a wink. Everly turned around and was as red as a tomato. Just then Joe walked in and he stared me right in the face.

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