Chapter 20: Simply Breathtaking

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I was starting to get antsy. She had been in there for almost 15 minutes but then she walked out. She was wearing an off the shoulder white floral shirt with tight-fitting blue jeans.

"Hm. I like that one." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh what a response."

"What did you want me to say? Oh, dearest Everly, you look like a goddess."

"That's better." She walked back in and shortly she came back out with a blue silk dress. I raised my eyebrows.

"That's a lot different than something you would usually wear."

"Well, I like it." She said self-consciously.

"Your wish is my command." She smiled and walked back in the dressing room. I got up and started to walk around looking for clothes for her when I suddenly came across a bikini. I was about to pick it up when I turned around and there she was wearing a sweetheart neckline tight red dress. My mouth dropped to my knees and I could feel the drool. She smirked at me and did a twirl. Even better it had almost no back.

"Y-you look...Well like a goddess..." I stuttered knowing that I was blushing.

"Thank you. Now should I get this or-"

"YES!" I yelled almost too quickly. Her smirk grew more pronounced. She walked back in the room and I grabbed the swimsuit and threw it over the door. A few seconds later I heard a groan.

"No way."

"Please. You don't have to buy it I just want to see it on you."

"Ugh. You're lucky we're close."

Agh. Only close. That stung.

"Yeah no. I am not coming out."

"Pleaseee?" I heard the door slowly creak open and an angel walked out. She was wearing a flowy strapless green bikini that matched her eyes and the bottoms were high waisted.

"I-I think I like this one better than the red dress."

"I don't... Look stupid?"

"What?! No! You're the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen." And I really meant it.

"That makes me feel better."

"Well, it wasn't meant to make you feel better. That was my truthful opinion." I had to do everything so that I didn't walk over there and kiss her.

"Oh. Well, thank you, again."

"It's no problem. Now how about we go back to the hotel."

We bought the two dresses, the shirt, pants, and to my surprise the bikini. The total came up to about $1000. Everly looked at me waiting to see if I would back out so I handed over my credit card and smiled at her.

We put on our hats and glasses and walked back to the hotel.


"Let's go swimming!" I insisted after we ate supper that night.

"Stupid pervy pop star." She grumbled.

"Did it occur to you that I actually wanted to go swimming not just see you in a bikini?"


"I'm down," Alex whispered.

"Oh, not you too." Everly groaned.

Alex and I high fived.

10 minutes later we were walking down to the hotel's pool, Alex and I with a towel wrapped over our bare shoulders and Everly with one wrapped around her entire body. I immediately thought back to when I first met her and how far we had come. Back then I was just interested in her voice but now I knew who she really was and I wanted to ask her out.

"Karson? Karson? We're here."


"We're at the pool. You know the place you were so persistent to go to." She chuckled.

"Oh yeah! Water!" I yelled running and jumping into the pool. "C'mon Everly, Alex!"

"If you insist," Everly sighed pulling off her towel and I heard everyone around us gasp. The girls in jealousy and the guys in desire. "Let's swim." She said lowering herself into the pool.

"Yes, let's. Alex?" I turned around to look at him. He was gaping at her just like everyone else in the room. Everly rolled her eyes and pulled him into the pool.

"Wah- Ahh!" He screamed. And Everly and I both laughed.


It was reaching 9 p.m. and the pool would close at 10. We were in the middle of a game of Monkey In The Middle when I looked over and saw a weird guy staring at Everly. At first, I thought nothing about it but then I noticed he was slowly moving closer with a crazy look in his eyes.

"Everly, let's go."

"Wait, what? We just started the game."

"Let's go," I replied harsher.

"No." She said urgently.

"Please," I whispered glancing to the right.

"Oh. Oh. Okay." And with that, we left the pool.

"Man, that was weird," Everly stated as soon as we got in the room.

"It's odd though. He kind of looked like you Everly. I mean he had your green eyes but also brown hair instead of black." Alex said, as we were getting ready for bed.

"Nah. It's probably just a coincidence," I said. I looked over at Beauty and her eyebrows were furrowed. "Hey. It's probably nothing." I assured her.


"Let's go to bed. Tomorrow you get to meet my dad."

"Oh whoopee." She mumbled as she stumbled into her bed.

"Goodnight beauty."

"Goodnight handsome." I smiled in the darkness and I swear I saw her smile too.

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