Chapter 30: The Concert

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It was January 25th and I was still trying to convince Everly to let me hold our concert.

"It's fine. No one's figured it out yet." She would constantly say.

But they were. We would walk down the hallways and people would point and stare. Of course, we didn't hold hands or anything during school but we were almost always next to each other. It was obvious.

"Everly, please. It's almost February. We've been dating for over a month. People aren't as stupid as they look. We won't be able to hide it much longer. Just let me handle everything. It's supposed to be really nice this weekend too."

"Ugh fineeee." She groaned, giving in.

"All right!" This was going to be the best concert this town has ever seen.


It was Friday night and I was finishing some last minute preparations for the concert. Everly was at mine and Alex's house laying her head on my legs watching TV. I was on the phone with a few people requesting security for tomorrow's performance just in case things got out of hand. Earlier at school that day Everly and Mia helped me hand out fliers. On them, it said only I was singing but that was the surprise. I hung up the phone and looked down at my girl. My beautiful woman that I could call mine. She looked up at me and smiled.

"We should go work on our song."

"Okay." She replied getting up. We were singing a duet together but also individual songs for each other. I didn't know her song and she didn't know mine. We walked upstairs to my room and practiced our song for about twenty minutes until she got a call from Joe who was inviting me over for a celebratory dinner. By 6:30 we got back to her house and had an awesome meal. Kim, Grayson, and even Joe were asking us questions about tomorrow and we answered them all with enthusiasm. She acted like she didn't care but I knew she was just as excited as I was. We didn't have to hide our relationship anymore; we could be together in peace. I stayed for a little bit after supper but then went home to prep for tomorrow.


"Well, you look gorgeous but aren't you going to be cold?" I asked her looking at the red dress that was my favorite.

"Yeah but it's what I wore when you asked me out. It's special."

"Well if you ask me you're showing a little too much skin. I'm going to bet a lot of people from school are gonna be there. Can you please wear a jacket?" It wasn't very cold in Arizona as New York but it was still January.

"Mmm fine but only cause you asked me." She said slipping on a fluffy black jacket.

"That's better."

"Now without further ado. Please welcome, Karson Kape!" The announcer said from outside the curtain. I walked outside to see a lot of familiar faces, mostly from school, but some I didn't know. I saw a few t-shirts that said things such as, will you marry me? Or I love you! And during this all I could think was; I'm already taken, ladies, by my Soulmate, in fact.

"How are you all doing today?" I asked the crowd and I was hit with screams. "Good, good. Well, I have an announcement to make today. Can you guess what it is?" More screams. "Anyways, I'm going to be attending South Ridge Prep for one more year as a senior." It was silent for mere seconds before it clicked and screams erupted everywhere. "Now that's not my only surprise today. Could Everly Annalore please step out from behind the stage?" I looked behind me to see a shocked beauty shuffle across the stage. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights. I grabbed her hand and we stood there hand in hand. "I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Everly Annalore. And she has a story to share later if you wanna hear it." There was another moment of silence except this one lasted about 10 seconds until someone yelled.

"SHE'S HOT!" Cheers of agreement rippled around. I looked at her and saw she was blushing.

"In celebration. We will be singing songs for each other and a duet after both of these. And trust me, you wanna stay to hear her." I said I turned to her with the mic in one hand and hers in the other and I started singing Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

Throughout the entire song, I stared into her beautiful eyes while everyone around us sighed. And too soon the song ended. She grabbed the mic from my hand and I noticed hers were shaking. She grabbed my hand again and started singing an old song I knew by heart. I Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis.

She stared at me the way I did at her and after the first verse, I could tell she was confident because her voice stopped quivering. I looked all around me to see people with shocked looks on their faces and some people's jaws were almost touching the ground. At that moment I was proud to call her mine. After a few short minutes, she finished as well and people were in a stupor. It took them a few seconds to realize what was going on. Her voice was hypnotizing. One by one everyone stood up and gave her a standing ovation. When everyone settled down a backstage crewmember brought out another mic and set it in front of me. She put hers back into the stand and then looked at me waiting for our cue. And when we were given it, she started singing the first part of Little Did You Know by Alex and Sierra.

Some people in the audience knew the song and sang along but others just stayed silent and listened. When we finished I pulled her into a hug and then gave her a kiss on the lips right in front of everyone. Cameras flashed and then someone took the mic back and brought out a chair and she sat in it.

"I hope you'll listen as I tell you my story." And with that, I went back behind the stage.

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