Chapter 23: The Crickets Turned Silent

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"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Wh- What?!"

"Erm...My girlfriend." He squirmed awkwardly blushing.

"Oh, Karson of course!" I squealed jumping and wrapping my arms around his neck, causing him to fall backward off the bench from the impact. I inhaled his sweet scent as I was lying on top of him. I pulled away from his shoulders and this time I was the one that leaned in. My lips crashed to his and he invited me with pleasure and after what felt like minutes of it I shivered and he pulled away.

"You're cold, here." He said handing me his jacket like in every cliché movie.

"Thanks," I mumbled now blushing.

"Well, aren't you rambunctious?" He smiled beaming with joy.

"Shut up..." I whispered faintly.

"Huh. Would ya look at that," he said pointing outside to a shooting star. "Make a wish."

"I don't have to. My wish just came true. He's standing right in front of me."

"Mine came true as well. Now let's go back to the hotel, shall we?"


"PLEASE KARSON PLEASE!!! IT LOOKS SO GOOD!" I screamed jumping up and down as we were passing a cute little ice cream place.

"It's literally 10:00 on a freezing night in December. Why on earth would you want ice cream?"

"Please! It's just so cute!" I said flashing my puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But we'll share one. If that's okay with you?"

"Of course...Boyfriend." I looked up at him through the jacket awaiting his expression. He smiled.

"What flavor would you two lovebirds like?" The women at the counter asked. Karson turned to me.

"Cherry," I smirked.

"A cherry for the lady and I." He announced in a cheery voice.

"Okay, that will be 5 dollars." Karson handed over the bill and in a few minutes he sat down at a table with me.

"Now how do we go about eating this," I asked curiously to see how he would respond.

"Here I have an idea." He said as he shoved the cone in my face.


I stood up and chased him around the table. I was about to catch him when I heard a sound, something familiar to me. It took me a minute to register it but when I did it brought tears to my eyes. In the ice cream truck, they were playing one of my father's songs. I walked up to the counter and asked,

"Can you turn it up?" The women turned up the music and I sat back down. At first, I was silently singing but then I realized I was getting louder. The few people around us stopped to listen. Even the crickets turned silent to hear me sing. I was about halfway through the song when I couldn't continue. I broke down crying and Karson came over to comfort me. Everyone was dazed for a bit but then they continued on with their night. Oblivious to what was really happening.

"DID SOMEONE SAY KARSON KAPE?!" A group of about five girls screamed from the distance.

"Oh no." He groaned.

"KARSON MY LOVE! I'M COMING FOR YOU!" The leader squealed, phone in hand.

"Everly we have to leave."

"Please, just let me listen to the song...It's almost over." I hadn't fully listened to one of my father's songs since he died. Every time one would come on the radio I would switch it. I've never been able to stand it. But, I had changed now. I wanted to finish it. I had so many sweet memories of dancing with my father and mother to his music.

"Everly if we don't move in 5 seconds it's likely that those girls will take pictures. Are you really ready to be in the media yet?" Karson said quickly with a concerned expression. He really didn't want to do it. He knew how I felt.

"Psssttt Lovebirds, in here." We turned hearing a whisper.

"Huh?" I looked up to see the owner of the shop ushering us towards the truck.

"What other choice do we have?" He said with an amused expression.

"Ugh fine..." We stood up and snuck into the back.

"Thank you very much, ma'am," Karson said trying to graciously pay the women.

"Yeah yeah keep your money. So, are you really Karson Kape? My niece loves you! Could I get an autograph for her?" She said with wide eyes.

"Of course. If you won't take my money. It's the least I can do." He said signing his name on a notepad.

"You're amazing at signing! I see you know Jae Annalore. Honestly, no one plays his music as much anymore. I'm telling you, he is revolutionary. Sad to hear about his wife and him though. I heard a rumor they have a child. Codswallop if you ask me. What's your name anyways?" The women asked turning to me.

Karson looked at me waiting to see if I would lie. But my father did not raise a liar.

"Everly Annalore. Daughter of Jae and Audrina Annalore."

"You've got to be kidding me." She said looking baffled.

"They are my parents. I have no reason to lie to someone I don't know."

"Well, I don't believe you." She said stubbornly.

"Look, lady, what do I have to do to prove it? Do you want me to write his autograph or something?" I asked writing it down on another notepad. I had spent plenty of time trying to perfect it and I finally had.

"Well, I'll be damned. Your voice is just like his. Can you sing again?"

"Well, I don't know I-"

"She has stage fright." Karson butted in.

"The daughter of Jae Annalore has stage fright. Never thought I'd hear that."

"I know you're probably wondering how I exist so I'll explain a bit. My dad went into retirement so he could take care of me with my mother. They hid me from the outside world so I wouldn't be pressured to sing like my Karson over there. Only a hand full of people even know I'm alive. Anyways when I was five they both died of cancer and I was put up for adoption and no one knew whom I really was. That pretty much sums it up. And please...Don't tell anyone."

Of course not. My lips are sealed. Also, I can't help but notice how you say 'my Karson' are you two-"

"Yes, another thing you can't tell anyone. We're not comfortable telling anyone yet. In fact, we haven't even been together an hour we were just walking back from-"

"Magnolia Park?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" I asked flabbergasted.

"Legend has it, anyone who asks someone out in the hut, that couple will stay together forever," Karson explained to me.

"Aw, that's cute. Please tell me you asked in the hut?" She said questioningly.

"Of course I did." He said with a smile.

"How adorable. I never thought Karson Kape, son of John Kape. And Everly Annalore, daughter of Jae Annalore would end up together. It's funny how things work out."

"Yes. Funny indeed. Now, we should be going." Karson said.

"Oh wait. Here's another ice cream. On the house. Since you shoved the other one in her face." She handed another one to Karson and then handed me napkins to wipe off the now melted ice cream.

"Thanks," I whispered. We started to walk out the door when she said.

"WAIT! Can I have an autograph?" I scribbled down my signature and then we walked out.

"Look at you! Your first one! And definitely not your last. You know...If we're gonna be together...You're gonna be in the media a lot...And most likely people will find out your secret and-"

"Karson. I'm not changing my mind. I'm staying with you."

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