Chapter 28

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I wake up because the water is freezing cold. I guess I've been asleep for a while because I'm practically a prune. I look up and see Tré and Mike standing over me. "Oh thank god your awake," Mike says with a grin. I glare at him , "get out you pervert!" Mike skips out happily. I reach up and grab onto Tré's shoulders. He picks me up out of the tub and helps me get dressed again. He gets my crutches and I swing out of the bathroom. Billie and Mike are hysterical with laughter. I stick my tong out at Mike and sit down next to Billie. Tré sits down next to me and pulls me into his lap. He rests his hands on my waist and wraps his legs around me so I can get out. He starts to tickle me. I scream and try to get away but Tré will have none of it, he's to strong. I try and tell him to stop but I can't breath. I'm laughing silently because I don't have the breath to do it out loud. Tré is giggling like a little girl. "Okay Tré, that's enough, I don't think she can breath," Billie says, some what worried. Tré lets go and I gasp for breath. I'm still laughing but I don't know why. I finally stop laughing and lie back down on Tré. He pulls me into a little ball and cuddles me. It's with my head on Tré's chest that I realize that Billie was right. I feel like I belong with them. I though that I had no one but I do. I have Billie, Mike, Tré, and Kylie. Even though my parents are dead I still have a family. A family that I love and care for with all my heart.


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