Chapter 20

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"Tré," I whisper. "What?" He asks. I smile, "do you think we could um.......... y'know, do something, special." Tré raises an eyebrow, "Emma as much as I would love to go on a date with you and then have sex afterwards I don't think it's possible because we've been kidnapped and I really don't think you want to have sex in front of Billie and Mike." Billie looks up, "no go ahead, don't mind us, we're just sitting here, minding our on business," he whistles, "don't, don't even mind me." I laugh for the first time in a while, "no Tré, I don't mean sex, I just mean, could we like cuddle or something." Tré smiles and nods his head, "of course." He lies down on his side and puts his arm up. He rest his head on it. He pulls me in closer to him. I nuzzle his bare chest. "You're so cold," I whisper. He nods his head, "yeah, it's cold down here." I put my arms on him and rub back and forth trying to get him warmer. Tré pulls me closer to him so I'm you touching him. I put my head down on his arm and look up at his wrist, it's all bent and swollen. I touch it, "how is that?" I ask him. "Hurts like hell." I frown a little bit and kiss it, "all better," he says softly. He kisses my nose, rolls over, and pulls me on top of him. He makes one of those really cute noises that sounds kinda like a pirate and buries his fave in my neck. I giggle and tilt my head up so he can't get at my any more. I look over at Billie and Mike who are staring at us like we were a 3 headed unicorn with a hot pink tail and yellow wings. "Will you two stop!" Billie and Mike look away and start talking about something completely random. I look back down at Tré, "where were we?"

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