Chapter 22

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I wake up with bright lights surrounding me. I see two people standing over me with clipboards. I groan and move. My vision gets a little more clear. I see a police officer talking to a shortish boy with green hair. He sees me, "Emma!!!" He runs over to me. I look up at him, "who's Emma?" The boy steps back and covers his mouth. He puts his hand in his hands. I can here choking noises. "Please, don't cry," I whisper. He looks up at the doctors, "bring her back, bring her back right now." The doctors shake their heads, "her memory will most likely return in a few hours, you need to calm down and take a deep breath sir," one of the doctors says. The boy sits down next to me and holds my hand. Another boy runs in, "is she awake?" He asks. The boy with green hair nods, "how's Billie?" He asks. The other boy shakes his head, "his right leg is broken, along with his right arm, and three ribs." Then he looks at me, "how ya holding up sunshine?" He asks me. I look up at him, "what are your names,?" I ask them, I can tell that they both care about me. The boy with green hair takes a shaking breath, "I'm your boyfriend Tré and this is Mike, he's your best friend along with Billie Joe is in another room." Mike looks at Tré, "why doesn't she remember us?" He cries. Tré bites his lip, "the doctors say that it's just an after shock from what......what happened to us. She'll be back in a few hours. How's Kylie?" Mike nods his head, "Kylie stayed at Georgia's, Georgia's mom filed a missing person report for us." Tré kisses my forehead, "I'll be back," he whispers. "Come on Mike," they both walk out of the room. I try and remember, I know I remember Kylie somewhere. I know that I care about Kylie. All of the sudden I remember everything. All of the memory's come flooding back at once, I wish they didn't. I start screaming. The doctors stick something in my arm.

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