Chapter 15

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"GET UP!" He shouts, pressing the mouth of the gun against my head. They get up slowly. He tells them to get out, they do. He follows and tells the two men to take Billie Tré and Mike to the basement but he says "them" so I'm hopping he means me I close my eyes and pray he means me too but be doesn't. He pulls me into another room that smells strongly of bleach. He ties me to a chair. I start to cry. "Ripper" smiles at me but not in a friendly kinda way, it's more like a, "I'm gonna rape you and use you as leverage and then when I'm done I'm gonna rape you again and then kill you and hang your head on my wall" kinda way. I start to cry even harder. "Ripper" (I'm just gonna call him R because its one of those creepy ass nicknames that I can't say out loud) pulls up a chair and watches me cry. I swear if he had enough teeth he would be eating popcorn right now. I pull myself together and stop crying, "I want to see them," I say quietly . R starts to smirk, "you got nerve doncha," he taunts. I close my eyes, I'm gonna die for this later, "please, just let me go down there with them, it won't be any different, you can still use my as leverage," I say with a little bit more confidence this time. R looks me up and down, "who says that's the only reason I want you here pretty girl." I squirm, "please," I whisper, "just don't hurt them, I'll do exactly what you say." R chuckles, "you'll do exactly what I say even if I hurt them, you have a little sister, am a correct? What's her name....... Kylie?" I pull against the binds, "if you lay a finger on her I swear to god I will rip your heart out," I spit. "You've got spirit, I like it when my possessions have spirit, so I can drain it from them!" I glare at him, "I will never be your possession.","We'll see," he laughs, "take her to the others, she'll hate them soon enough."

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