Chapter 13

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The final bell rings. I run to Billie's car with Tré and wait for Billie and Mike. Mike shoes up first, "Billie's takin' a dump," he says. I nod my head. Tré squeezes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I rest my head on his chest , he sways back and forth. I tilt my head up and kiss the soft spot under his jaw. Billie runs up to us, "look at you two, I so ship it." I moan, "Billie you are the whitest girl I have ever met; and why do you have lipstick on?" Billie wipes his mouth and blushes. I start to grin, "ooooooo you gotta girl friend, who is it?" He smiles, "her name is Adie." I smile, "good job Billie." Billie ruffles my hair, "come on let's go and before we go home we need to get gas." I decide to let Mike drive even though it's my day because I have a head ache. Mike pulls up at a gas station. There's only one person there with a big white fan, "look, it's a fun van," Tré whispers. I shake my head and smile. Mike gets out to get gas and Billie gets out to talk to Mike while he fills up the tank. I scoot to the middle seat and lean on Tré. I hear a thump against the hood of the car. I look out the window and see Billie and Mike unconscious, a bald man with tattoos all over his face and missing teeth looks into the window, "Tré, lock the door, now." Tré locks the door. The man raises his arm and pulls up a bat. Tré realizes what he is about to do so he pulls me to the other side of the car and covers me. I hear the glass break into a million pieces. The man reaches his hand in and unlocks the door. He crawls into the car, Tré kisses me, "I love you," he whispers. "I love you too Tré," I say back. Tré wraps his arms around me. The man raises his bat and whacks Tré upside the head. He goes limp. The man try's to pull Tré off of me but I won't let go of him. The man bites my hand and I pull back, he drew blood. He throws Tré out of the car and crawls over to me. The last thing I see is him raising the bat.

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