Chapter 18

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About 3 hours later R runs through the door and down the stairs. He kicks Billie in the face and steps on Mike's leg. He looks over at us, "god, it's impossible to separate you two isn't it," he sneers at us. "I have an idea," he says to Tré, "punch her." Tré stiffens, "no." R runs his hand over his bald head, "how bout this: if you don't punch her, I will but I'll keep doing it until she's unconscious. Think of it this way, if you bunch her you'll have her best interests at heart." Tré looks over at me, "I'm so so sorry baby, I'm so so sorry." "It's fine," I whisper. I close my eyes. I feel something hit my face, hard. R laughs, "that's what I like to see." Tré looks over at him, "fuck you, you sick bastard." He looks back at me, "oh god, I'm so so sorry, what I have done," he cries. He puts he head down on my shoulder and sobs. I hug him, "it's okay, it's okay." I look over at Billie who is holding his nose and looking at R with more malice than I've ever seen in his eyes, it was actually scary. Mike has his fists balled up and he's shaking. R smiles at them, "you're mad, good." R pulls out a gun and shoot my leg. I scream. Billie and Mike stand up. Tré grabs me and sticks his hand in my leg. I scream even louder and try to push him off but he doesn't budge. He pulls the bullet out and throws it across the room. I start to hyperventilate. Tré holds me closer to him. I stare up at him, he is greasy and dirty. He is covered in bruises and scratches and has blood smeared all over him, but it's my blood, he just stuck his hand in side my leg to get a bullet out. R laughs and laughs, "go to hell!" Mike says. R smiles and skips back up stairs.

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