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"Have they left camp yet?" a small voice echoed into the starry darkness.

"Yes, they're just leaving now," another voice replied sternly.

"This is the day StarTribe has warned us about. Will it all happen at once?"

"No... not today, at least. But if the omen and herself come in contact by touch, then we must start to worry."

The whispering fell silent as two cats, one blonde and one grey, stared intently at the ground below them. Through the stars they could see a Jewel Patrol consisting of three older cats and four apprentices making their way through the forest. 

"Stormstar, I'm frightened," the blonde she-cat shuddered, shaking away glistening dusts from her pelt.

"We all are, Littlegolden," the cat known as Stormstar said, "But we are StarTribe. The leader of StoneTribe and her Healers will come to us tomorrow. Perhaps we can help in more ways than you think."

"But we mustn't give anything away," Littlegolden reminded with a soft sigh, "we are not allowed to do so."

Stormstar furrowed her brow, "That is true.. but they know of the prophecy. We may clarify, but not reveal."

"What about ThornTribe?" Littlegolden asked silently, "Does the StoneTribe Healer I talked to understand that she knows more than everyone else?"

"I don't think she feels as if her answer was correct," the ancient leader murmured with a flick of her glimmering tail.

The pair fell silent again, observing the patrol below them. The apprentice that the omen would revolve around appeared to be listening to her mentor explaining traits of the trade. 

"Do you think that the young cat knows what she's getting into?" Littlegolden piped up again, glancing over at the ashy leader.

Stormstar shook her narrow head, "No, she's oblivious... that's why this prophecy is so dangerous. The foretold entity that she will encounter has unphathomable powers beyond our control. She must either learn to use it properly, or pay the price."

"There must be another option," the blonde Healer replied softly.

"There isn't," Stormstar barked, venom leaking into her voice, "It has been written in the torrents of time! It must happen one way or another."

"But... the omen is dark," Littlegolden whispered.

"Then the answer is clear. The apprentice will not learn how to use the powerful object in the correct way."

"Then it will fall into the claws of evil," Littlegolden confirmed with a sad nod.

"That is correct," Stormstar breathed.

"When will she find it, then?" the blonde Healer nearly sobbed, observing the chosen one with her translucent orbs.

"Any time now," Stormstar replied, dipping her head, "And trust me when I say this.. we'll know. Our StarTribe home will shake with fright."

"That doesn't help," Littlegolden whispered.

"Then hush now," the leader insisted, "for it is set to begin soon."

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now