Chapter 13

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~Dedicated to a dear friend of mine. She was my first supporter of this book. Thank you Caiteehh!

Her head was groggy, and her body was numb. Nothing felt as if it were real. Naiyapaw blinked away darkness and opened her eyes.

The river was gone, and so was the stone. She was laying on soft grasses in the middle of a starry field. Lights as bright as suns twinkled overhead, leaping around as if they were alive. The she-cat was confused, for not even a moment before, she had passed out from shock in the creek. Her eyes flickered towards her paws. They were covered with shimmering dusts. A startled gasp echoed from her throat, the realization apparent that her entire body was a glowing outline of stars.

"W-where am I?" she shouted into the clearing, shooting to her paws. Nothing, not even the sound of chirping birds, met her call.

Naiyapaw was scared. She had no idea where she was, let alone understand why the stars were dancing, or why the meadow seemed endless, or comprehend her state of matter.

"P-please, someone? I'm frightened, and I need help!" she yowled again, her voice a tiny squeak in the vast expanse of space.

Suddenly, the stars above came to a halt. The apprentice tilted her head and watched as many of them turned around and fell towards the earth, rocketing down at impossible speeds. Her eyes bugged open.

"AHH!" she screamed, cowering and burying her head beneath her paws. The she-cat waited for the pelting orbs to strike her shivering body. Her life had been short, but filled with wonder while it lasted.

"Do not be afraid, young cat," a voice suddenly whispered.

Naiyapaw blinked and raised her head, perking her ears with interest. Standing before her was a massive golden tom glittering with the brightest stars she had ever seen. His eyes, proud and wise, were two celestial blue orbs. A dazzling crest ran across his back... a pair of shimmering silver wings.

Naiyapaw froze.

"You know who I am, don't you, apprentice?" he asked, raising his broad head.

"Y-yes, I think so," Naiyapaw peeped, "My mentor.... C-Coralfrost told me about you."

"I know," he chuckled softly, "I saw you."

"You're... you're Phoenixstar.. aren't you?" the apprentice asked meekly, looking up at the royal tom. He resembled something from a dream.

"Yes I am," he replied, stepping forward a pace. Behind him, rows of glowing star-covered cats sat patiently, staring straight ahead.. at her.

"Where am I?" Naiyapaw asked after a moment, getting to her paws and dipping her head in respect.

"For now, you are in StarTribe," Phoenixstar informed with a flick of his glistening tail.

The apprentice gasped and staggered on her paws. She was standing before a hoard of her mighty ancestors, all noble and kind-hearted cats from moons in the past. Her heart fluttered in her chest. But wait, why was she here? Had she died in the river?

"You are not here because your life left you," Phoenixstar boomed, almost as if reading her mind.

"T-then why am I here?" she wondered, trying her best to remain calm.

"I regret to inform you that yourself and your tribe are in terrible danger," he rumbled, his beautiful crest dimming upon his back.

Naiyapaw frowned, lowering her gaze, "Danger?"

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now