Happy to be with someone like you.

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"yes....of course..." baldi was so curious on what the principal was going to say. The principal seemed a bit serious about what he wanted to state, he also looked sad towards baldi. Baldi was still confused and didn't know what was happening. Soon the principal started crying out of nowhere " I'm sorry...I'm so...So sorry...." the principal kept repeating the same thing over and over again, as the principal kept repeating himself baldi kept getting more confused and worried for him. "princi are you alright???..why do you keep apologizing for??..." baldi hold the principal closer to comfort him and make him feel better it seemed to work a bit. The principal calmed down slightly a spoke up to baldi.
" baldi... I never knew I was so special to you...i hate myself now for making the worst mistake...thinking it would make things better. But it just made them worse...I'm sorry." the principal stated slowly sobbing softly. "princi what are you talking about?..."

baldi lifted the principals face wiping his tears gently wanting to know what that 'mistake ' was. " I agreed to something I shouldn't have...and because of that I'll be gone after tomorrow...and by gone I mean...dead..." the principal had a face of regret and felt extremely dumb for thinking to agreeing to something like that would ever help. " What?! Why?! What were you thinking?!" baldi didn't know why this all happened but was upset about the principal's decision. Baldi would never let the principal do something stupid as that. He would never let the principal die. " I...i though you would hate me for being different...." the principal looked down and took off his contact lenses revealing his pitch-dark eyes. Baldi was surprised but didn't care mostly cared about losing the principal at this point. "principal, I honestly couldn't care less the way you look or are! The only thing I care about is your safety. I wouldn't hate anyone because of their appearance, especially you! I Love you WAY too much to be an asshole and hate you for such a simple thing do I really look like that kind of person to you?... " baldi concluded seriously looking at the principal with sad eyes, wanting to know if that seriously was the way the principal saw baldi as.
" no! Of course, not...i was just...not thinking right at the time..." the principal replied honestly, soon getting much closer to baldi and pressing his face against his neck gently.

Baldi sighed softly towards the principal. He was just relieved that the principal was all right at the moment. " Let's just talk about this later...I'm just glad your home and being honest with me" baldi stated as he suddenly picked up the principal and carried him towards their bedroom upstairs. "wow...baldi your so strong..." the principal said while holding on tight to baldi afraid of falling.
" I'm not strong. Your just extremely light hah." baldi laughed slightly making the principal smile a bit as they headed upstairs to their bedroom. Once they made it there baldi placed the principal on the bed soon sitting next to him. The principal's smile faded away as he kept having thoughts on his horrible mistake. Baldi noticed and felt bad, he didn't want to see the principal sad and depressed. He knew how he felt but wasn't going to let anything happen to him. "aw...c'mon..please don't keep that expression permanently on your beautiful face...you know I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you." baldi honestly stated as he got closer to the principal and kissed his forehead gently. The principal smiled slightly slowly changing his thoughts. 'well then...if tomorrow's going to be my last day living. Might as well enjoy life while I still can.' the principal thought to Himself and suddenly kissed baldi passionately being glad to have someone like him by his side.


Here's the chapter! So like I said on yesterday's post I will be changing the updating time on this book and for now on I'll be updating this book on 7:00 pm /or 8:00 pm , but of course depending on where you live the time might be different but that's ok. You'll probably figure it out by yourself as days go by. But just in case I updated this chapter somewhere near 7:00 pm. I live in the Southern US so your time might be different than mine, or it might not. I'm just pointing that out just in case if you were interested in knowing when this book gets updated everyday.

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hah finally the cliffhanger is done and everybody knows what's going on at this point....well just a little hah.

-benjamin [aka: writer]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now