Chapter 26

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The day came and Vivian got discharged. They went back to Rafael's mansion and stayed for a day while Daze fix the papers to have them fly back home.

Natalia and Odin bid them a goodbye before they went for the airport. Rafael saw them off and promised that he'll be visiting again after he look for his traitor brother, who is still missing in action.

It was a long flight and they finally went home. Cal, Nick and Blake already went off to get some steam out of their system after a long chase and fight.

The couple reached home by midnight and quickly rested off, not even minding to fix their luggages.

Morning came, Vivian woke up and went off bed. She's already allowed to take bath but was strictly advise to just take it slow since she just got her stitches off of her wounds and she still have bruises. Her head is still aching but her medicines helped with the pain.

Vivian stood in front of of the mirror inside the walk-in closet. She stood there naked, observing her body. The gun wound left a small scar in her thigh, her abdomen is still a bit bruised, her face looked normal again and her blue hair was just resting on her shoulder. She sighed, grabbed her underwear and wore it.

"Are you feeling cautious?"

Vivian almost jumped in surprise, she looked back and saw Daze leaning by doorway, looking back at her. He's been standing there since she was observing her body. She rolled her eyes and said "I just felt sorry for my body and my hair"

Daze walked in and approached her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and gently touch the bruise in her abdomen. He was kissing her shoulder blade and her nape, sometimes digging his face in her shortened hair "You still looked beautiful to me" he gently sniffed her neck and placed one kiss. He felt her flinched at his kiss and he quickly stopped "What's wrong, Viv?" He asked, looking at the mirror to meet her gaze

"I'm sorry Daze" she placed her hands in his that was wrapping around her "I'm still sensitive about what happened"

Daze let out a small smile and slowly removed his arms from her "This is my fault" he mumbled to himself

Vivian frowned at his words. She turned her back and face him. She placed both of her hands in his face and gently caress his thumb in his cheeks "You know I hate it when you blame yourself. I already told you, it's not your fault."

Daze held her hands and kissed her knuckles "What can I do to make those nightmare go away?"

Vivian smiled "Let's just wait. I'm pretty sure I'll be okay sooner or later" she tiptoed and pecked his lips with hers "since you're with me"

Daze looked at her so lovingly, he leaned down and caught her lips in a tight kiss.


A week passed. Vivian looked much better. She started working again as well, despite Daze's endless argue that she's still not okay. She strongly wanted to work again and it did help her mind to get off some steam.

Daze was keeping tabs on her everynight. He insisted on staying at the bar with her, watch her until her night shift is done.

Another night came and Vivian was happily moving around the stage as she heated up the whole bar with her music. (A/N: Feel free to listen ⬆) She felt a bit rusty since she didn't attended her job for almost two months but she's still good in her own field after stepping in the stage.

Daze was sitting in hid usual spot, with his usual friends. The three were having fun with their companions. Yes, even Blake and Nick joined Cal's fun ideas.

"I felt bad for you dude" Cal commented as he looked at Daze who is just watching Vivian from afar "Being married limits you with a lot of things though you're lucky that Vivian's your wife"

Daze smirked and looked back at Cal "It's not really boring, you should try and experience it and besides I can play around if I want, I just choose not to"

"Wait, so you're saying that Vivian's cool with your womanizing hobbies?" Nick asked

Daze nodded "She doesn't really mind but it's my decision to respect her stand and just stop seeing random women"

"She's so cool" Nick commented

"Marriage got you good" Blake added, smirking at him

"Then let's have a toast for our fallen friend!" Cal exclaimed, taking the bottle of beer from the table and lifting it up the air

Blake and Nick followed and said in unison "Let's!"

"You morons!"


"Who said to got yourself drunk?!" Vivian gritted her teeth as she tried to bring Daze inside their house "Janine?!" She called as she manages to drag Daze inside

Janina quickly welcomed them home and helped Vivian to bring Daze to their room. They both let out a huge sigh as they pushed him down the bed.

"Shall I bring a water?" Janina asked

Vivian smiled at Janine "No need. I'll take care of him, why don't you go and take a rest?"

Janine bid her a good night and then went out of the room to take more rest. The two just got home at exactly midnight

Vivian scolded Daze's friends after seeing that they drunk him-- scratch that, they all drunk themselves badly. She had to call Heliot to ask for help, so he could bring the three home. He was complaining about just getting out of a surgery but then agreed to take the three home.

Vivian sighed and removed all off his clothes and shoes. She should be taking a nice warm bath by now but she had to take care of his stupid friend--husband. After taking everything out, except for his boxers, she wiped his clean body with a warm cloth and place a glass of water on a nearby table, in case if he needed it. She didn't really bothered to get a basin because she know that Daze is not a puking type of person after drinking. She placed a warm comforter before going to bathroom to take care of herself.


Vivian opened her eyes in surprise. She was peacefully sleeping when she felt someone kissed her neck and touched her hip. She blinked twice to adjust her eyesight and looked down to see Daze kissing her neck and downwards.

"Daze? What are you doing?" She asked, yawning. Daze mumbled something but she can't quite hear him. So she asked for him to repeat what he have just said.

Daze groaned and moved to kiss her lips "Baby, let me make love to you"

Vivian inhaled every oxygen she can get. She was so surprised with his sudden actions, her heart was beating like huge drums in her chest "I think, you're still drunk. Just go back to sleep" she attempted to push him away but Daze caught her hands and kissed her fingers

"I'm not drunk" he mumbled "just sober" he pinned her hands down the bed and placed both of his knees between her sides, completely imprisoning her "Is it still haunting you? Is he still haunting you?" He looked down on her brown orbs, looking at her with so much guilt

Vivian let out a small smile and placed both of her hands in his face "Please don't look at me like that. I told you, it's not your fault"

Daze teared up and bit his lower lip. He leaned his head down and buried his face on the crook of her neck "Even if we turn the world upside down, it's still my fault. My fault for being too reckless. If I haven't left you alone that wouldn't have happened"

Vivian hummed and gently ran her fingers in his charcoal hair "If you still insists on blaming yourself, how about you make me forget?"

"What do you mean?" Daze leaned back, looking at her face

Vivian smiled and give him a peck to his lips "Make love to me?"

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