Chapter 24

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Daze was peeling a fresh apple, placing them in a small plate and giving it to Vivian who was just quietly eating them. He can see how gloomy she is. She's been like that for days. He kept on asking if she's feeling alright and she just keep on saying the same thing.

That she's okay

"Viv?" He called and she hummed in response, all her focus are set on the apples "Look at me baby"

Vivian breathed out and looked at her "Why are you calling me baby all of a sudden?" She let out a small chuckle but was quickly stopped when she felt Daze's lips gently touched hers. She blinked in surprise.

Daze sat down on her bed, he caress her face so gently "You did a good job. You saved Natalia and her baby" Vivian let out a small smile "But you don't have to mask yourself in front of me. Vivian--" he took the small plate from her lap and place it on the table "Be selfish for once, Vivian. You can cry and shout in front of me. Hell, you can even hurt and blame me"

Vivian heard his words loud and clear. Her small smile slowly turned to a frown, tears were falling from her eyes. She can't take it anymore, it's too heavy for her to carry.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled, moving her hands to wipe her endless tears "I wanted to be brave in front of you because I don't want you to blame yourself any further--" she sobbed "--but I can't. It's killing me inside. The memories of when he--" she tried to gulp her cries down but it only choked her "--touched me" she cried "he took advantage of my weakness. It felt so horrible when he touched me, when he licked me, when he tried to kiss me. He--" she moved her hands and gripped the sheets tightly, tears were tainting the sheets "He forced himself to me. He was cussing and laughing at me like a maniac" she clearly remembered how he fucked her like she's not even a human. The pain, her cries. She remembered them very well "Whenever I tried to stop him, he'll slice my skin with his knife-- I'm so dirty-- I can't-- He tainted me-- I'm--" she was so glad when Cal and others came to rescue her. Rafuso escaped before they managed to enter the room. She was somehow thankful that he didn't managed to impregnate her, the thought of bearing the child who raped her is already scaring her.

The doctor did said that they only saw lacerations inside her. They checked her womb to see if there's any developments but so far she's empty.

Daze teared up. He gently took both of her hands and kissed them so lovingly "Everything is alright now. I won't take my eyes off of you again. I will protect you" he breathed out "I'll get that bastard, I won't let him get away with this" he said, moving closer to give her a hug

Vivian cried in his shoulder. She wrapped her arms tightly around him, not even caring the pain her body is feeling right now. She wanted him as close as possible. She wanted to feel that she's safe in his arms. He's her only home, her safe home.

"I love you" he whispered in her ear with so much love.

She cried even more as he heard him "How could you love me? I'm a dirty woman" she sniffed

"Viv, you're not dirty" he gently caress his back "you will never be dirty for me" he kissed her ear and temple. He whispered so many things in her ear, like an endless mantra that healed her heart

She didn't realize how much she cried in his shoulders. She was just quietly sobbing when a nurse came in to inject give her medicine. She slowly pulled away from Daze and cleaned her face. She felt a little embarassed but just talked to her nurse like the usual.

"The doctor will visit you again later" The nurse announced before leaving the two alone again

Daze wiped her dry tears with his handkerchief and helped her lay down on the bed "How are you feeling now?"

Vivian smiled at him "A bit lighter, thank you for listening"

"Of course" he smiled and kissed her forehead "I'm always ready to listen so just be selfish and talk to me, okay?" He held her hand again "I love you"

Vivian bit her lip. She can feel something tickling her stomach as she heard the sweet words from his lips "I love you too" she said and finally dozed off


"We brought him back to the asylum, Cal is watching him right now"

Vivian slowly opened her eyes as she heard familiar voices inside her room. She looked down and saw Blake and Nick talking to Daze.

The three looked at her and saw that she's already awake. Nick and Blake smiled at her and asked how she's feeling.

"I'm feeling a bit better" She answered and thanked Daze, who help her sat up  "What are you guys doing here? And where's Cal?"

Nick and Blake looked at Daze, as if asking what they're going to say. Daze looked at Vivian and gave her a small smile "Is it okay if I leave for the mean time? Nick will watch you while I'm gone"

Vivian looked at the three and slowly nodded "I'll be fine with Nick but where are you going?"

"I have some business to attend to" he kissed her temple "I'll be back as soon as I'm done" Vivian mumbled a small okay. Daze looked at Nick "Don't take your eyes off of her!" Nick gulped and nodded then Daze turned to exit the room "Blake, let's go"


Daze entered the abandoned asylum with heavy footsteps. He was gritting his teeth as he walked towards the room where Rafuso tortured and raped his wife.

His friends finally caught Rafuso this time. He almost slipped from their hands, almost.

Daze kicked the door opened and entered the room. He looked around and he saw a dry blood on the floor, chains, and bed but that didn't matter anymore. His eyes landed on the man who was tightly tied on the same chair that Vivian used to sat on.

Rafuso's face was facing downwards. He was letting out a groan of pain. He got beaten up by Cal as soon as they caught him.

Daze gestured Cal. Cal quickly moved to Rafuso's back, grabbed his oily air and forcefully lifted his face to see Daze.

Rafuso slowly opened his eyes. He let out a chuckle as he saw Daze in front of him "My, Looks like you got my gift--"

Daze fought the urge not to punch him right now, his jaw moved in anger and just glared at him "You thought you can get away from us?"

Rafuso shrugged "It was worth it, anyway. So how was Vivian?" He tried to leaned forward but Cal pulled his hair back "Did she told you how good I was?"

Daze balled his hands into fists "She did. She told me how you tainted her-- how you made her suffer" he gestured Cal and Blake, and they both moved to untie Rafael from his seat "and I'm planning to demonstrate it to you"

Confused, he looked at the three of them. Cal pulled the chair with him and stood by the door with Blake in his side. Daze was just standing in front of him. His face is dark and unreadable..

Before Rafuso could even say anything, he felt something hard landed right at his face that led him flying towards the wall.

"Stand up" Daze ordered in a dark tone, his right fist is now tainted with blood "Try and fight me"

Angry, Rafuso stood up and tried to throw punches towards Daze but he managed to dodged all of them. Daze moved his arms and punched him by his stomach, earning a groan from Rafuso. He then moved his other arm to punch his face again.

Rafuso spitted the blood out and tried to punch Daze by his face but he quickly dodged down and punch him in his chin, giving him an uppercut.

Rafuso shouted in pain, his jaw is already dislocated, his blood are already falling form his mouth, and some of his teeth are already missing

"You're too weak Rafuso" Daze commented, cleaning his fists with his handkerchief "You dared to fight me when you're this weak" he looked back at Cal and Blake "Chain him up"

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