Chapter 23

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After they're gone, Daze stared at the floor again and cried. If he could cry a blood, he would.

Rafael felt sad and angry for his son. He can't believe that someone dared to touch his daughter-in-law. With a heavy heart, he stood up from his seat and guided Daze to sit next to him "You can cry as much as you want, no one will ever stop you"

"This is all my fault" Daze said with his hoarse voice "I left her. I should be the one in there, not her"

Rafael stared at his son. How he misses his wife. Daze needed a mother right now, to comfort him with warmth but sadly she's not here. Rafael placed a hand on his back "It wasn't your fault, even Vivian knows that. I'm sure of it"

Daze buried his face in his palms as he cried "I can't let her leave me like this"

Heliot stopped cursing in anger, sat back down and sighed "She's not going to die" he hope so

Another hour came, Heliot stood up to get something warm to drink. He brought back coffee and water. They all sat there still waiting with coffees and water in their hands. Odin came to see how they're doing but was just silenced by his younger brother's state. He never thought he would see the day that Daze, who is known for his fierce attitude and prankness, will meet his greatest downfall. He decided to wait with them for some minutes to ask what happened then quickly hurried back to his pregnant wife who needed him.

Daze was just staring at his untouched water bottle. He stopped crying and just stared at the water in his hands, letting out a few shaky breaths every minutes. His eyes felt dry and painful but he didn't care.

It's already nine hours, why isn't anyone telling them what's happening inside? Daze was already dying as he waited.

After some minutes the door opened. Both Heliot and Rafael stood up but Daze didn't, he was too blank right now. So the two did the talking and asked how was the patient.

"She had a few broken ribs" The doctor let out a tired sigh as he removed his mask, surgical hat and threw them on the nearby bin "We restitched her wounds and tended her bruises, both in her face and body" he pressed his nose bridge, fighting for the patient's life for nine hours really got him tired as hell "She lost a lot of blood but we managed to replace them with new ones. We also removed the bullet from her leg and mended the wound. You saw her state earlier, she was beaten up pretty badly" he noticed Daze, who was just sitting and returned his attention to the two "We managed to save her but she's--" he calmly studied the two  people in front of him, hoping that they would take his words gently "--She's in a state of coma. We found a small hemorrhage inside her brain, it could be that she was hit by something in her head. If she doesn't woke up by later this morning then she'll be as good as dead. I'm sorry" he tapped Rafael and Heliot's shoulder "We did everything we can. It's all in the hands of the God on whether she'll live or not" Heliot and Rafael exchanged sad looks and looked back at Daze who was just quietly listening "We also found lacerations inside her private part. We could conclude that she was raped." He gave them a sad smile "We already cleaned her up and had to cut her hair. The nurses will be transferring her to a private ward. I'll be going now" he gave them a small bow

Rafael gave him a small thanks and watched as the doctor went off. He looked at Daze and patted his shoulder "She'll live Daze, we just have to wait"


Daze stared sadly at Vivian's face as he fiddled with her soft hands. Her face looked pretty messed up, her left cheek was swollen, she have a cut on her lips, a bruise in her forehead and right eye and another cut on her right cheek. There's a white gauze wrapped around her head and face.

Her hands have small cuts as well but they're already tended well. There's also a guaze wrapping both of her wrists.

It's already dawn and there's still no sign of Vivian waking up. The long apparatus that is attached to her mouth sounded awful. It filled the whole room with the beeping sound from the monitor.

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