Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello everyone! This is the first chapter! Do me a favor and play the music up above! You can listen to it while reading, be my guest and put it on repeat if you'd like!

Enjoy and have a nice day ahead!


A year later..

Colorful lights are flickering to the sound of music. The air is filled with smoke, filling the people's nose with mixed smoke from cigarettes and vapes. Clinging bottles filled every tables. Everyone was clearly having fun, bobbing their heads a little while holding a glass or a bottle. Some people are dancing to the beat of the music, clearly engrossed and just living life.

Daze was sitting at the velvet couch, holding a bottle of beer in his rough hand. He was listening to his friends as they endlessly talk about their day.

"Where's your twin by the way, Daze?" A man with brown hair asked, leaning at the couch while looking at Daze who just looked at him

"You know, he's busy" Daze placed the lip of his beer in his lips "He choose to spend his night with his patients rather than have fun with me" he smirked and drank the remaining beer. He placed the empty bottle down the glass table and opened another one from the ice bucket.

"Aren't you feeling a bit lonely?" The black haired man asked as he smirked at the woman beside him. He pulled her close and teased her earlobe, whispering naughty words that made her giggle

"Shut up, Cal" Daze grunted at the black haired man "Where's Nick? I thought he's just going to the bathroom?"

The brown haired man shrugged and chugged his beer "Beats me, maybe he's fucking someone"

"Nope, not fucking anyone" a blonde man said as he slide next to the woman beside Cal "Where's the beer?!" He looked at the empty bucket

"Blake, go get another one" Daze ordered, pointing at the bartender nearby

Blake grunted "I'm not your errand boy, you know" He stood up and quickly went towards the bartender

"And do order something to eat!" Nick shouted, earning a glare from the tanned man. He looked at Daze "Damn things are boring whenever it's quiet"

"Then why don't you just find someone to fuck with" Cal said with a smirk, clearly suggesting, sliding his hand inside the woman's legs

Nick gave Cal a glare "Please, I'm not like you" he looked back at Daze "Boss, why don't we play?"

"Play?" Daze asked, placing his another empty bottle at the table "I'm listening"

Blake came back with waitresses holding two buckets of cold beers and trays of food. He sat back down and shoo the waitresses away from them.

"It's just a dare game" Nick continued, getting a slice of pizza from the table "If you didn't managed to do the dare then you'll pay for tonight's drinks and foods--"

"--and women" Cal added, showing his perfect teeth

Nick shrugged "--and women"

"Well, that's interesting" Blake commented, opening a new bottle of beer "Let's start then?"

Nick nodded with a grin. He took an empty bottle and lay it down the table "Okay, the moment this tip" he pointed at the lips of the bottle "points at you, you'll be the first one to do the challenge. Anyone of us could give the challenge, just one. If one of us ever failed to do any challenge then you'll lose"

"No limits?" Daze asked

Nick smirked at him "No limits"

"Well, let's start then" Cal held the bottle and spin it around

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