۵ 11 ۵ (UPDATED /2021)

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Hailey held onto the arm which also supported her brother. Africa was a natural with the kids. They clung to her as if she had always been a part of their lives.

"Israel are you okay?" She asked gingerly.

"I'm better now. Thank you for pulling me aside earlier." His response was lighter and more concise than his previous reactions.

"It's no problem. I think you should go in and speak to your family. I'm sure they're worried about you." Her advice was appropriate and settling. Israel nodded in agreement and walked in the room where his mother and father were. She waited for a moment before going to the door.

"Africa would you please come in?" His voice seemed more stable than before. She walked into the room with the little boy on her hip. The baby was completely oblivious to what was occurring as he enjoyed his sleep. As soon as Israel walked into the room, his daughter held onto the lady in place of her father.

Africa's once free arm was wrapped around the little girl. Petting her and rubbing her back was her way of attempting to soothe the child. Anyone watching the interaction would believe she was the children's mother. The way she consoled them was the typical response of a loved one. No one would believe that she just met the children an hour earlier.

"Father this is Africa Anderson. Africa this is my father Nathanial King, and this is my mother Betsy King." Israel introduced her to his father and his mother even though his mother was asleep.

"I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances, but it's my pleasure to meet you, sir." She nodded since her hands were full. Once it came to his attention, Israel freed her from one of the children. As he picked up his son, the little boy opened his eyes and glared at his dad. The elder mister King let out a loud laugh.

"Son, I think he prefers her over you." The once saddened face couldn't resist the urge to laugh at his father's comment. He wholeheartedly agreed with his father's observation. The little boy settled next to his father with the slightest bit of protest. His daughter continued to cling to Africa as she lovingly comforted the little girl.

He stayed at the hospital until his mother got settled in her room. Israel wanted to stay right by her side. Unfortunately, he couldn't make his children suffer any longer. The kids were unsettled by the view of their grandma in the hospital bed. They also began to fuss because they were hungry and tired. After staying at the hospital for three hours, he knew it was time to take the kids home.

Israel insisted his father call him if there were any changes. He hugged his father and kissed his mother's forehead and then he left.

"Did you drive?" He asked Africa.

"Yes." She responded.

"I'll walk you to your car. That's the least I can do after all you've done for me." Israel insisted.

"I didn't do anything special. Besides, you need to get the kids home. Don't worry about me." She realized she was wasting her time as he continued to follow her through the parking lot. When they reached her car. The once asleep little boy jumped and screamed when he saw her car. Hailey's eyes lit up as Africa pushed the button to unlock the door.

"Is that your car." The bright-eyed little girl questioned with excitement in her voice.

"Yes. This was a present I gave myself for working really hard." She explained to the little girl.

"Daddy, can I ride with her please?" Hailey begged and pleaded with her father to allow her to ride with Africa.

"Sweetheart, Ms. Africa is a busy woman. I'm sure she has other more important things to do besides driving around a little girl who tries to use beautiful brown 'puppy dog eyes' to get what she wants." He said trying to dissuade his daughter from taking any more of the lady's time.

"Actually, I'm free. My mom is visiting with her sister. I just came out here to settle some of her doctor bills." She absently interjected. As soon as Israel was about to object again, his son added his request.

"I wanna ride too. I like her car daddy." Junior told his father. The kids were insistent about riding in Africa's car. She agreed to follow him if he didn't mind the kids riding with her. After receiving a concerned father look, she pledged to drive under the speed limit and obey every law. She even agreed to go into 'Time-Out' if she did anything of which he didn't approve.

Her humor encouraged the once distressed son and nervous father to chuckle. His eyes were intrigued by her face. The smile in her eyes and the way she easily won over her kids after a few minutes was astounding to him. He couldn't think of anything more to say to her except yes. Israel rubbed his head as he felt himself being cornered.

"Get in. I'll drive you to your vehicle and you will see I'm a careful driver." She continued to try and soothe his conscious. He stood there for a moment considering the offer and finally placed the kids in the back seat. With ease, he slid in the passenger seat beside her. They rode a short distance around the parking lot. Africa made sure everyone was in a seatbelt.

She drove by the book. Israel knew the show was for his benefit. He sat with a smile on his face as she over exaggerated her every move. He knew she was trying to make him smile and she was highly successful at doing just that.


"Is this you?" She asked as they reached the area where he was parked. Israel pushed the button to alert them to the location of his vehicle. When they pulled up behind his 2019 Dakota Brown Metallic AME GLE 43 Mercedes-Benz SUV, Africa was impressed.

Her knowledge of vehicles was something which carried over from the time when she was a young girl. She always had a love for different types of vehicles. Most people didn't realize her interest in cars was more than just the aesthetics of automobiles. She was interested in the performance and what went into the development of the vehicle. Africa drew different types of aircraft, cars, motorcycles, and trucks when she was a little girl. She always fantasized about buying a fast car.

"I like your ride. It has some really solid performance metrics." Her comment caught his attention. Most women liked the fact that he drove a Mercedes-Benz. They knew nothing about the performance or durability of the vehicle. Their only concern was the value of it and the potential wealth of the man who owned it.

"What is your interest in vehicles?" He asked just to see what her answer would be.

"I used to draw all types of vehicles when I was young. I even conceptualized what I thought we would be driving in the future. I enjoy the history behind different types of transportation as well as the performance and safety elements associated with the vehicle." Her answer was honest and sincere. Israel was always amazed by her. Africa was unique. She was a beauty with brains. There was nothing mean or condescending about her. He felt at ease and comforted by her presence.

"You can trust me with the kids. I will follow you closely. I want them to smile after such tragic events today." The genuine sweetness in her voiced what they all needed. Israel got out and grabbed their car seats. He fastened them in the tight backseat area of her car. After securing their seats, he fastened each child securely in their respective seat.


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