۵ 13 ۵ (UPDATED /2021)

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"Ok, so when we walk in the salesman's office, just tell him that you are getting a vehicle for the little lady. Don't let him know that we aren't a couple. If he thinks I'm trying to make this purchase for myself, he'll be stingy with the rebates." Africa went over her game plan with Israel as they walked into the car dealership. She made it a point to grab his arm and pretend like they were a couple. He called the nanny to wait at home with the kids. There was no way he would subject them to the lengthy wait to potentially purchase a vehicle.

Israel and Africa walked in as if they had been in a relationship forever. The first person to greet was a young Caucasian man who seemed to know every person who crossed his path.

"Hello, friends. How can I help you today?" The overly energetic salesman inquired of them.

"I got a nice little promotion, so I decided to buy my wife a new vehicle," Israel stated with ease. Africa peeked at him from the corner of her eye. He was really good at role-playing. She noted in her mind. Attempting to focus on the salesman instead of Israel was proving itself to be very difficult. She noticed he was different and handsome, but something about the way he tried to accommodate her request pulled at her on a deeper level.

The salesman was definitely buying the act. She allowed Israel to continue his conversation with the man who introduced himself as Jeremy. His people skills were absolutely unquestionable. Jeremy was now eating out of Israel's hands instead of the other way around. Africa found herself entranced by the way he was handling this request for her.

"Mr. King, do you mind if I call you Israel?" Jeremy asked in a highly professional manner. The salesman showed a great deal of respect to the potential customer.

"Sure. That's fine with me, Jeremy. I look at it like this, we are here to help one another. You will help me find the best deal on a mini-van for my baby girl and I want to help you get a sale." The friendly smile Israel flashed him was the last step in a well laid out plan to get Africa exactly what she wanted.

The two guys continued their discussion as she sat back and observed a man taking the time to do something for her for a change. Every now and again, he would ask her a question about the specifications for the van. At every turn, he asked her opinion and at one point, he placed a small peck on her forehead to emphasize how precious she was to him.

Even though this was all an act, Africa found herself wishing this was a real thing. Israel treated her like she was special. Every small caress or gentle touch was exciting and new. He was breaking through so much resentment without even knowing it. The laughter in his harmonic voice made her heart swim. The way he handled the transaction made her feel respect for him in a way she couldn't remember feeling for any man.

Examining the van, the test drive, and every step was perfect. His handling of the conversation saved her $5000. For once in her life, she was in awe of a man's abilities. Most people wouldn't understand why she placed so much value on a man's ability to handle business for her. In reality, Africa never had a man in her life who tried to do anything other than getting into her panties. The only thing they were interested in was her thickness.

Israel was truly perfect. He handled everything flawlessly.

"Baby. Baby." She didn't hear him as he tried to grab her attention. Africa was so deep in thought, she was shocked when his hand brushed her jawline. She looked into his eyes as she realized he was trying to say something to her.

"Africa are you okay?" He inquired with concern deeply grooved in his face. That face was the straw that broke the camel's back. His genuine concern for her was something she didn't realize just how desperately she needed it.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm sorry what did you say?" She blinked herself back into the conversation.

"I was just asking if there was anything else, we need to consider?" Those light green eyes mesmerized her. Africa never behaved like this about a man. Men were disposable to her. She never developed any feelings for them. That allowed her to drop them if she just wanted to change things up a bit.

"No, I think you covered everything." She replied.

"Well, I will step away to get the price firmed up for this transaction and then we can discuss your payment options." Jeremy walked away with a huge smile on his face. Judging by his body language, he knew he had the sell in the bag.

"How do you want to take care of this?" Israel asked as soon as the salesman disappeared.

"I have cash," Africa stated nonchalantly.

"What do you mean you have cash?" He questioned her as if what she said made no sense.

"I knew I would purchase a van today, so I came prepared." She responded without so much as a blink.

"Africa, that's not a safe thing to do. You mean to tell me you are carrying around $20,000 cash?" He asked in shocked disbelief.

"No. More like $40,000." She corrected him as if she were just stating a fact. Israel stared at her and shook his head. He never met a woman who walked around with that kind of cash before. The thought of it made him feel a bit uneasy. Before the day was over, he would have to find out more about who she was and what she did for a living.

She opened the rather large Coach Edie Shoulder Bag 31. The 1941 Saddle Light Gold purse matched her Coach Tennis Shoes. Africa wore a banana cream and black monogrammed t-shirt with some slim fitting light colored blue jeans. Israel realized how well put together she was. He remembered her saying she gave herself the expensive sports car because she worked hard. He had to figure out what she did for a living soon.

They finished the transaction with the minivan. He followed her to her mother's house. Africa parked the vehicle in the garage and rode back to Israel's place to retrieve her car.


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