۵ 9 ۵ (UPDATED 2021)

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"I know we haven't always been on the same page, but I can't help you until you give me permission to manage your care." Africa tried to explain the situation to her mother. No matter what she said to her mom, Ms. Minnie refused to listen to her daughter.

"You haven't shown any concern for me ever since you moved away. Why do you care about what's going on with me now?" The way her mother looked at her was a look of disbelief and distance. She had to accept her part in the distrust her mother was displaying. Africa intentionally distanced herself from her family and her mother took it harder than she thought she would.

She had to humble herself. It was time to do what was right to help her mom. Africa got down on her knees by her mother's bedside. She took the chip off her shoulder and leaned her head down to ask for forgiveness.

"Mom, I am so sorry for what I did. I know you had a reason for checking me. Sometimes it hurts so bad when I think about the way I have been treated over the years. That time I stepped out of line. Please forgive me and let me help you. Please." Africa begged her mother's forgiveness to mend the broken bridge between them.

She could no longer hold the tears she held for many years. Shaking as she kneeled, Africa sat thinking about the course of her life. Her mother wrapped her arms around her daughter and pulled her close. Even though her mother held her, she was hurting deep inside. She never dealt with her pain or the scars which lived in her heart.

"Rica, I know you didn't mean to be so disrespectful, but you have to remember that you cannot treat your family like that." Her mother hugged her and loved on her despite the frailness of her frame.


The meeting between Ms. Minnie, Africa, Dr. Patel, and Israel King went well. They discussed her mother's care plan and the fact that she was close to being placed on hospice care. At the conclusion, all parties walked away with a better understanding of what the next steps to be employed would be.

Pain registered in her mother's face as they walked out to the car. As she struggled to sit down in the car, Africa realized she needed to get a more comfortable vehicle to take care of her mother's transportation needs.

"Can I interest you ladies in lunch?" The distinct light tone was smooth as silk and highly professional. When she turned around to find Mr. King, Africa had a hard time keeping her eyes glued to his face. The light green eyes with flecks of yellow disarmed her. Thinking back to their first meeting, she wasn't in the best mood. Her mind was focused on finding out her mother's health problems and restructuring the care she received from the home health agency. They were solely responsible for her mother's care, but Africa wasn't impressed.

Locked in a trance, she realized that the man before her was beyond handsome. Freckles sprinkled here and there gave him the most unique appearance she had ever seen on a light-skinned black man. His lips were moving, but his words weren't registering in her mind as she lost the battle to stay fixated on his face. She had the worst habit of giving people the once over.

As true as she was to her nature, Africa quickly ran her eyes the length of his tall frame from his head to his rather nice dark wine leather shoes and back up again. She tried with everything in her body not to do it, but she couldn't help herself. Once she sized him up, she immediately regretted the action. Not only did he possess the most appealing eyes, smile, and voice, but his body was badass. Even though he was the epitome of a professional businessman in his conversation and his attire, Israel King could make a burlap sack look sexy as hell.

"Miss Anderson are you okay?" Melodic undertones in his voice disarmed her and caused her to lose her focus.

"I'm sorry. It's been a really long day." She stated to deflect the inquiry into her trance state.

"I was wondering if you and your mother would join me for lunch?" Israel re-stated his request.

"Well, I'm not sure if she's up to it. I noticed she was kind of weak and flinching in pain." A truthful answer was supplied.

"How about I grab something and meet you two at your mother's home. I would like to take this opportunity to address any concerns you may have had about your mother's care. I believe we can provide her with the best possible care if we make sure all questions are cleared up from the beginning. Today is a great day to start with a fresh new slate." His statement made a lot of sense.

Africa agreed she and her mother would meet with Mr. King for lunch and clear-up all concerns. They came to an agreement on Italian food and the ladies headed home.


"Daddy... daddy." Israel stopped by the daycare to pick up his son before he picked his daughter up from school.

"How was your day little man?" Warm pecks on the cheek was his son's response. He loaded him in the SUV and made sure he was properly fastened in his car seat. They drove the short distance and saw Hailey standing outside with the other children and several teachers who were waiting for the children to be picked up.

"How was your day my little angel?" Israel questioned his daughter as she entered the vehicle. She got in and fastened her seatbelt as she relaxed in her booster seat.

"I had fun. We got to make pottery. It was so much fun to play in the mud... I mean the clay. My teacher said we will have different art projects every Friday. When my pottery is ready, I will show you a big surprise." His daughter continued to discuss every good and bad occurrence of her day. Her father listened and responded to her entire conversation. Israel never got tired of his energetic little girl's daily rants. He smiled as he considered that she had a gift for gab.

The three of them unloaded their things out of the vehicle and entered the house from the garage door. Homework was immediately taken care of and all notices and paperwork were signed. Their behavior folders were initiated, and the kids were tasked with placing their folders and completed assignments back in their backpacks. Dad got on his job of cooking dinner and the kids were allowed a little time to watch cartoons.

Time always seemed to fly when they made it home from school and work. Israel made sure baths were taken, teeth brushed, and story time was finished. Last but certainly not least, was a prayer before bed. He always waited an hour after the kids were tucked in bed to take a shower and prepare for bed himself. He always made sure they were sound asleep before he took care of his own needs.

Standing under the shower, he rested his eyes briefly. As soon as his eyes were closed, a vision flashed in his mind. Africa Anderson gave him the once-over. She tried to do it quickly. Since he was looking right at her face, there was no way she could deny the way she assessed him. At first, Israel was kind of shocked by such a bold move, but he played it off. He continued his conversation without so much as a peep even though SHE sized him up.

Laughing out loud, he was amazed the first time he saw her. Now, he was absolutely intrigued. Africa was a remarkable woman. Her flawless dark chocolate skin and voluptuous curves played havoc on his mind. Even though he was always respectful and professional, Israel could not deny the range of emotions he felt when he was granted the opportunity to share lunch with her and her mother.

He noticed his skin was flushed when he got out of the shower and simply chalked it up to the hot water he enjoyed until it ran out. He donned some pajama bottoms and a t-shirt just before jumping in the middle of his bed. Sleep rushed over him quickly. He only had time to say a prayer and he was out.


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