۵ 2 ۵ (BWWM)

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"Todd, please ask Tyronica to join us."

I insisted using my best boss lady tone.

Once the older woman entered the office and greeted everyone, my hand moved for her to join us as I motioned directly across from me. That queue forced Morris to relinquish his seat to the other salesperson.

"How may I assist you today?" Tyronica asked with a smile that warmed the her eyes while highlighting her pleasant disposition.

Feeling confident I made the right choice by requesting that the saleswoman join our discussion. My radar proved to be true with its ability to judge other people's character.

"First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Africa Kenyatta Anderson, and I understand your name is Tyronica."

"That is correct,"

"I have a few requests to start."

"Ok, ma'am. How can I be of assistance?"

"Please address me as Africa."

"Sure, Africa. And...?"

"Tyronica, I would like for you to find out what type of discount I can expect should I decide to purchase of the 2019 BMW iE Coupe parked right over there by the front double doors with cash," I stated with my best poker face set to prevent me from displaying even so much as a hint of emotion.

My gaze remained locked on the saleswoman's face determined to show no signs that the sharp inhalations of the men affected me in the least.

Inside, all I wanted to do was turn and stare the pricks down, but the businesswoman in me would never give them the pleasure of my attention after they had so gloriously been relegated to the side as if they were a non factor. Though they remained in the office to witnesses the sales transaction, it was as if they were invisible because at the moment neither of them was needed.

"I have a love for exquisite vehicles that meet my requirements for optimum performance, presentation, and the potential to wow onlookers. That astounding lucky penny over there is nearly perfect. Should I decide to purchase the vehicle, it must be equipped with the exact customizations I have listed here before I take possession of it."

Once again I met the saleswoman's eyes as my hand slid the paperwork across the desk. My stop by the office provided me with just enough time to type up my ideas before handing one of my duplicate contract folders to Jared.

The breakdown outlined a detailed list of upgrades I expected Tyronica to make sure were accounted for to secure the sale.

"Before I return to take ownership of my purchase, I require these the vehicle to be fitted with these upgrades. The E Copper and Frozen Grey Accents with DECO Chrome insert Wheels by Lexani Artis must include the ZLT (Concave) LZ forging. Before we move forward, the final price tag of this transaction must include all customizations exactly the way I have it outlined on this list. I insist that this part of the documentation must be precise." I stopped long enough to visually confirm that the saleswoman was following me.

Based on the visual cues I took mean she was following my requests, I wrapped up my requests.

"Finally, I would be thrilled for Ms. Tyronica to handle this transaction starting from this moment until the contract is finalized and the payment made," I turned my gaze to the sales manager locking eyes with him to take in the his manner of uncertainty at the way I commanded the room.

As the manager and the salesman eyes briefly lingered on me, deep lines of concern creased their brows as they peered over to the bag my financial assistant placed at the edge of the desk closet to me.

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