۵ 16 ۵ (UPDATED /2021)

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"Daddy. I'm thirsty?" The little voice stopped woke him up from his deep sleep. Israel couldn't remember the last time he enjoyed some good sleep. He looked down to see the top of her head. She was passed out snuggled up next to him. He couldn't resist the urge to smile as he remembered what transpired between them. A volcanic explosion occurred in his bed that night. The voice of his baby boy pulled him back to the present.

"Junior give me just a minute son. I'll get you something to drink." Israel hurried into his bathroom. He made sure Africa was well covered when he got out of the bed. He cleaned up a little and threw on some night clothes before he left his room. He quickly went to the kitchen and pick-up two little bottles of water and two snacks. From previous experience, he knew his son only woke up if he was thirsty and still a little hungry. He always placed something by his daughter's bedside just in case she woke up for the same reasons.

"Daddy are you tired?" The inquisitive child asked him.

"No. Why do you ask son?" Israel glanced at his son trying to figure out why he would ask that question.

"Cause when you were in there, you were breathing really... really... really hard like you do when you run." Junior was enjoying his snack and chattering as he told his father about how hard he was breathing and some of the other strange noises he heard. The little-prepackaged fruit slices always hit the spot for his son. A little drink or two of water and he was out.

As he watched his son drifting off to sleep, a sense of embarrassment washed over him. He could not believe he heard them having sex. When he walked down the hall, he shook his head trying to think of how he would handle this situation in the future. When he walked in the room, Africa was gone. He noticed a piece of paper on the table.

"I'm sorry but I didn't think it would be a good idea for the kids to wake up and find me here like this. Kisses."

Israel wasn't upset. He was appreciative of her consideration for his children. Even with that being said, he could still feel her body and taste her skin. The thought made it hard for him to walk. The pain in the pit of his stomach was unbearable as he thought of her nipples and the feel of her thick thighs wrapped around him.

Normally, Israel was a very chaste man. His self-discipline was impeccable, but that night he couldn't allow her to walk away without showing how her how he felt. Africa's body was like sweet ambrosia. He stood in the shower as he relived every moment of savoring her body. The last time he had sex was with his wife. Years passed, and he did a great job of maintaining celibacy, but need for Africa ended that. Damn if it wasn't worth it.

After checking to make sure the house was secure, Israel jumped in bed and slept like a newborn baby. Dark chocolate full breast, nipples, legs, and thighs haunted his dreams. The thickness of her round juicy ass and the sweet nectar hidden between those thighs were all party to a good night's sleep he hadn't experienced in far too long.


"What in the world were you thinking?" She spoke to herself in the bathroom mirror. Why in the world did she allow herself to get involved with a divorced man who has children? Although she really adored Israel's children, there was a baby mama somewhere. She may not be around, but as soon as things got good between Israel, the kids and herself, baby mama would definitely pop up. She knew this would happen beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Africa stood in front of the mirror and examined herself. She couldn't understand why Israel was interested in her. He was tall, muscled, and sexy as fuck. She was average height. She was cute and plump. He was really light skinned with a nearly creamy rosy complexion. She was dark brown and yet he seemed crazy about her.

She wasn't sure if she was ready for all this. Was she ready to be a mother and all that came with it? She was sure Israel wasn't the type of man who gave himself to a woman unless he wanted to be a lasting part of her life.


"Mr. King, you have a meeting with the Blasden family in 20 minutes." His assistant Melba walked by his office door and informed him.

"Okay, make sure the conference room is set up for the meeting." He instructed her as he gathered his laptop and client's folder. In two hours, he would be leaving for the day. Israel wanted to make sure he addressed his client's concerns before a bigger issue arose. His cell phone rang as he closed his door. When he looked down and saw the name on the screen, his first thought was to ignore it.

"Hello. Make it quick. I'm headed to a meeting." The normally friendly voice was cold and hard.

"Wow. So, I guess you hate me now?" Was the sarcastic response from the caller.

"I really don't have time for this. Either state your reason for calling or hang up. I really don't care. You have exactly five minutes to say what you have to say before I hang up." Israel was in no mood for foolishness or some smartass calling him while he was busy.

"Since you're apparently busy, can you meet at the coffee shop down a block from your building?" The woman requested.

"That's fine. I have to go." Israel hung up the phone even though she wasn't finished talking.

He hadn't heard from Africa in about two weeks. Ever since she left his home early in the morning. She hadn't called and wasn't answering his calls. He was so worried about her and equally worried that she changed her mind about the connection he knew he felt between them.

He had to finish this meeting and then he would leave for the day. Israel had to find a way to get her off his mind.


True Black Love (COMPLETED - AMAZON PUBLISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora