۵ 7 ۵ (UPDATED /2021)

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"Why won't you talk to me? Jameka baby please wait. What are you doing? Please just stop for a minute and talk to me." No matter what he said, she ignored him.

Lately, the only thing he got from his wife was a scowl and silence. Something in her eyes said she was gone. This was over. Israel didn't want to accept that his wife was slowly but surely walking away from their marriage. Most nights she hung out with her friends and when she came home, she ignored her kids and her husband. It was as if they didn't exist.

One day he received a call from the housekeeper because it looked like someone robbed the house. The furniture was gone. Only the children's rooms were left untouched. Every dish, everything was gone. Some of his wife's clothes were gone and all of his clothes were still in his closet. Israel called his parents to pick up the kids from daycare. He knew he couldn't put things off any longer. The time to talk to his wife had come.

Shortly after he requested the bank place a hold on any and all transaction for all of his accounts, she came to the house fuming mad.

"What did you do to my card?" His wife screamed at him as if she could kill him.

"I placed a hold on the accounts until we discuss what's going on with you." He fired back at her.

"You haven't figured it out yet. I'm done with you and this whole mommy thing." Her voice got louder.

"Meka, what are you talking about?" The words coming out of her mouth made no sense to him.

"Israel. I want a divorce. I'm done. I took everything. I have my own apartment and I just need to be by myself. I don't want this life. When we met, I told you I didn't want kids. I told you I didn't want to settle down and stop having fun. You lied to me and now I have two kids and I would have no life if I hadn't put a stop to all this." Rambling and ranting, she continued to tell her husband that she didn't sign up for the whole 'Susie-Homemaker" bullshit.

"So, you're saying you just want to walk away from your family, so you can run the streets and have fun?" Israel stared at her like she was insane.

"Look, whatever way you see it, I want out." Finally, he realized she had something in her hand. She handed it to him.

"What is this?" Disbelief washed over his face as he realized what she handed him.

"Israel, please sign the divorce papers and let me go. Please?" She begged him as she walked away.

"No... No." 

Israel woke up covered in sweat. Dreaming about her was still the hardest thing for him to deal with. She broke his heart. She abandoned him. She abandoned their children. He sat up and looked at his phone. Man, it was only 4 am. The desire to sleep disappeared. Usually when he had nightmares, going back to sleep would take him right back to whatever hell it was that woke him in the first place. No more. Thinking about that day once was more than enough.

After an hour of weight training and cardio, he stripped off the sweat soaked clothes and walked into the shower. The hot water eased some of the tension in his body. Israel closed his eyes and the vision of her beautiful body haunted him.


When Israel met her, she was building up her career as a model. Jameka took his breath away. Her long natural wavy dark brown hair stopped at the middle of her back. Running his fingers through her hair was his favorite pastime. His wife was exotic. She was 5'9" and fit. Her body was long and lean with ample breast and a nice petite rear. Mocha was the color of her skin. Eyes the color of warm hot chocolate once adore him. Any time he looked at her skin he wanted milk chocolate. Her looks were exceptional.

At one time, her eyes lit up when she saw him. The last time he spoke to her at the courthouse, she dismissed him like he no longer existed. Of all the horrible things, this woman signed over her rights and gave him full custody. Jameka didn't want anything from him. Nothing.

The thought of how she threw away her family, broke his heart once again. Israel allowed the water to cover him from head to toe. Even though the water hid the tears he shed, nothing could soothe the ache in his broken heart. Standing in the shower for over an hour wasn't just because the water felt good, he needed time to pull himself together to face the day.


"Mr. King, there is a young lady here to see you." Melba's voice could be heard when he lifted the phone.

"You can go ahead and send her back." Israel wasn't busy today. Everything was running smoothly. As the door opened, he heard himself catch his breath. Her satiny smooth skin was the color of dark chocolate with a hint of roasted caramel. No make-up was on her face, and her hair was up in a ponytail. She wore an off the shoulder black and floral fitted dress and black strappy heeled sandals. His eyes were transfixed as he glanced at the woman who walked through his office door.

"Hello, Mr. King. I'm Africa Anderson. My mother is a client of yours." Africa introduced herself.

"It's my pleasure to meet you." He responded as he stood up to shake her hand. Israel held her hand just a moment longer than what he should. A gentle tug brought his mind back to the present. Israel motioned for her to have a seat.

"I don't want to take up too much of your time. My mother is not really receiving the care I think she should be receiving. How can we work together to change this?" She questioned in a 'matter of fact' tone.

"Of course, I would love to discuss your mother's care with you, but we must first go through the proper channels. It's a federal and state requirement that we first determine if you have the authority to make decisions on behalf of your mother. Once we've verified that information, we would meet with her doctor to go over her care plan." He quickly switched to business mode. Even though the woman was shockingly beautiful, he had to treat this meeting in the with a professional touch.

"That sounds good to me. So, what do we do now?" Her hands were folded as if she were ready to make a deal.


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