۵ 3 ۵ (UPDATED 02/12/2022)

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He remained close enough to reach out and touch her. She had become so accustomed to his need to micro-manage everyone it hadn't registered that he was still just standing by watching her every move... as he often did.


Jared Glass was captivated by the woman he had long ago recognized as his right hand. Simply put... she was stunning. Her mind was sharp and unique in its ability to execute business deals. Not only did she manage the projects that were awarded to the company as a result of her brilliance, but she also helped him streamline his operation to allow a fifteen percent increase in revenue.

When he hired her, there wasn't a way for him to be sure if she could handle the position. She possessed no prior experience in either estimating or project management. Africa was quite green, quiet, and didn't ask too many questions.

At first, he was worried about her ability to fit in with the team until she brought in five million dollars in signed contracts in less than six months. With her first contract, she made the company enough money to support what she requested as her yearly salary.

She was an absolute beast when it came to numbers. Her gift for accurately bidding a project within five percent of the company's budget goal seemed like a fluke at first, until he noticed every bid fell within the same margin.

If she found flaws in the project that would give them more money on the back end, she made sure she got the contract, and the moment those flaws required a solution, she would already have something set aside to cure the issue. They made millions because of those issues that weren't specified in the original contract.

Jared could not take his eyes off her. He knew he wanted Africa, but it wasn't until she and his younger brother Bryan started dating that he realized how much he wanted her. His lust for her wasn't helped by the fact that she always ignored him. As she continued working oblivious to him still standing in her office, he fixated on her more because he desperately wanted her attention.


"Africa, I need to speak with you in my office."

"Ok. Give me about ten minutes to submit this contract." She shooed him out of her office.

Her boss standing in her office watching her work was nothing new. Since she started, Africa learned to ignore him and block him out completely.

Eleven minutes later, she walked down the hall to his office. It was still kind of early, so the rest of the staff hadn't made it in yet. She already had coffee made and pastries waiting for the crew.

It was her goal to create a warm inviting office environment. Part of her efforts to maintain this ambiance was to counter the fact that she had to tangle with a bear every now and again to keep the crew shielded from their crazy employer.

There was no doubt in her mind, this was a battle day. Africa and Jared had one to two meetings a week. Usually, those meetings were productive. The problem with a battle meeting was the fact that no matter what she said or the information she presented to support her conversation; Jared was not hearing it.

It became clear to her within the first year of her employment that he just wanted someone to bully. The other employees would cry or sit at their desks with looks of anxiety and a desire to quit written all over their faces. When he realized she had no problem standing up to him, he switched gears from tormenting the others and focused his attacks on creating one make-believe crisis after another to have a heated exchange with her.

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