Chapter 7, Fang vs. Dylan

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A month later, Dylan and Fang is up ahead with each other now, trying to get Max's attention or just trying to make each other jealous. So far, Fang is the one that seems to be winning.

At school during lunch break, the only ones at the table is Max, Dylan, and Fang. Iggy and Nudge were actually sitting next to their friends they have, those 3 don't like to social much even though there's alot of girls who like Fang and Dylan and alot of boys like Max.

They were all eating and talking but mostly Dylan making Max laugh most of the time and Fang mostly being quiet rolling his eyes. Then Nudge walks up with a huge grin on her face. "Hey guys, "she said "can I go to a party this evening? Please!!! I promise I'll be a good girl there too and you can pick me up whenever you want!"

Max looks at Nudge concerned and sighed giving in. "Alright and I give up... And I'll be the one who'll pick you up ok?"

Nudge smiled huge and hugs Max. "Thank you! Thank you!" She runs off thinking about the first party she go to.

Dylan laughed, "I bet she'll be excited..." He take a bite of a Pocky and notices a girl with the principal looking around the lunch room. He nudges Max and made her look at the new girl.

"Hmm?" Max looks up and sees a girl that has long black hair that goes down to the middle of her back, wearing a blue Capri, and a Fairy Tail shirt with a logo on it that's purple colored. "Well looks like we can make a friend..."

Fang raises an eyebrow being suspicious and said, "Why? It's not like shes one of us anyway... It'll almost be a burden to us."

Dylan rolled his eyes can't believing Fang just said that. "Well rude... But who-"

"Look!" Max interrupted slightly pointing at little hint of feather dropping from her back when she walks away from the lunch room with the principal. "Maybe she is one of us."

Fang wasn't convince. "How can someone just drop a feather like that and one of us thinks its real?" He questioned, having more of a statement to it.

Iggy walks up to them with his hands in his pockets, and takes his left hand out and thumb pointed at the girl who left. "Hey seems the new girl is named Hayley Flowers... I overheard when I walked pass. Anything about her that might caught you guys attention?"

Fang sighed and pointed his black fork at Max. "Well Max said she might be one of us cause she saw a feather fall out her back and I thought how would that be possible?"

Dylan pointed out, "Hey ho-"

"No." Fang interrupted not wanting to hear his stories for the lunch time.

Iggy sighed, "Well anyways, I heard she has the next class with Nudge and Max for Choir next period. So you can talk to her Max. See ya!" He walks away, waving his hand back to them.

Max smiled and interwines her finger together, elbows on desk, and rested her chin on her intertwined fingers. "Well lets see how she goes then."

Fang mentally face palmed and sighed, "Anything you want I can do to find clues then?" He thought this was ridiculous but he knew Max was gonna ask him anyway.

Max smiled and nods, "Yep! You and Dylan go found out if she is like us and if she is, Im inviting her to come over to our house tomorrow night."

Dylan nodded and shrugs, "Alright... Lets get this over with." Dylan stood up putting his food away in the nearest trash can and walks up to Fang nudging him. "Come on Fangy, we have a mission to do." He walks away, with his hands in his pockets, leaving the lunch room.

Fang quickly glares at Max and sighs, quickly putting his food away and walks out of the lunch room; walking behind Dylan. His arms were folded thinking about all of this was stupid.

In the hallway where no one is around, Dylan sighed and stood in front of Fang. "Dude, how about I take care of this myself and you go back to Max?"

Fang raised an eyebrow, "Are you serious? Max told both of us... Not just you trying to get her to like you better than me?" Fang then leans on the wall, folded arms and looks at Dylan. "Listen, everyday isn't a competition to see who gets Max. Cause we all know she's mine." he smirked.

Dylan gritted his teeth and went to go punch Fang but he easily dodge, having Dylan hit the hard wall. Dylan didn't bother to get hurt and he turns to Fang who keep his smirk. Dylan calmed down and smiled softly, "So it's just between you and I? Alright..." He put his hands in his pockets and turned away from Fang. "May the best guy win..."


Fang sighed, "We didn't get to see that girl... Max can take care of that..." He walked the opposite direction of Dylan and Dylan did the same thing.

So it's Fang vs. Dylan. Dylan knows he'll get Max at any cost but Fang had the same idea, but knowing more of what he'll do.

Max noticed she didn't get any report but she just left it and went to her Choir class with Nudge hoping to see the new girl.

* * * * *

Omg yay!!!!!! Chapter 7 done and complete!!!!!!!

I am Zeh Awesome Sammy-Chan and I finished the chapter!!!!!!!


Alright!!! If you know the Republic of Philippines AND Hetalia, go check out the things I did for Philippines that I am now!

Ask Philippines

Philippines Going to Gauken

That'll be all Otaku's!!!!!!

Yes I WILL and ALWAYS call everyone that!!!!!!

Alright! Arigato everyone for reading my stories!!!!!

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