Chapter 1, The End of A New Beginning

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Max, alone was looking for the Flock around the city that hasn't been attacked or whatever. Instead of flying she hide her wings and walk through the streets of NYC which is awfully silent and not alot of people are out. The city is still lit up yes but it seems it's gonna be a lit up ghost town any minute. The only thing about the city is that Max notice people on the street is trying to get home, maybe cause of the tragedy of the world?

Max shook her head and came to focus. She knows she needs to find the others, but soon she smelled something awful. Then she had a flashback of the same smell before things went bizarre. She doesn't know why she remembers the awkward smell but when she turned around she sees Gazzy right there, confuse and lost. Without a word, Max runs towards Gazzy or Gasman and gave him a huge hug.

"M-Max?!" Gazzy wasn't sure until he notice a little hint of a feather showing. "Max!" He hugs back and soon they stop hugging. "I was looking for you here and know I did! The Flock is already in one group and so is your mother! They're at the park waiting for us!"

Max smiled and missed the excitment and can't wait for everyone to meet. She nods and instead of flying and being caught while doing that, she and Gasman ran as fast as they can to the closest park and see everyone in the playground.

Gasman shouted, "What are you guys sitting for? It's time for celebration!!!!!!!" He cheered and everyone turns around.

Nudge was already crying, but happy crying and Angel was the same. Iggy nods with a soft smile along with Fang and Max's mom, Dr. Martinez. The last person was Dylan who waves with a soft smile with his features.

Everyone but Dylan was crowding around Max and having a huge hug saying things like "Max your safe!" , "I was sor worried!" , or "We should go to Mcdonalds and celebrate!"

Once everyone is done with the group hug it's finally Dylan walks up with a hint of guilty in his face. "Hey Max..."

Max puts her hands on her hips, but since it's no time for fighting she accepted him and put her arms out. "Welcome to the Flock!"

Dylan nods and gave her a quick hug and pulls away when Fang gives him and "Im gonna kill you" look. Of course Dylan doesn't see that cause Fang went back to his normal self.

Angel hops on Max's back and has a big grin. "Can we now go to Mcdonalds Max? I am hungry!"

Max holds onto Angel so she doesn't fall and she nods. "Of course! Come on!" Everyone cheered and started walking to Mcdonalds that was kind of close by.

~Time Skip~

Everyone got their own whatever they had for something to fill them up. The ones who wanted desert is Nudge, Gazzy, Angel, and Iggy.

Once done with the little dinner celebration everyone was on the street and no one of NYC is outside, only them.

"Hey guys do you think we're like the outcast?" Nudge asked.

Max nodded, "We should stay at a hotel for now and see the rest of the country..."

They all walk around the city but most hotels are surprisingly closed or all the rooms are empty. It's almost like the whole world is in New York and taken up on the space. Luckily, the found a motel a little far from the city but it's close and seems like it's for free. Girls get their room and the boys got theirs, Max and the others seems to be fine but the boys not so much.

~Boys Room~

"I don't want to sleep with you! I don't want you farting while sleeping next to me!" Fang yelled.

Gazzy yelled back, "I don-"

"Yo! Stop making a racket and sleep!" Max has the door open widely with her hands on her hips annoyed. "If you can't deal with it then 2 of you sleep on the floor." Max sighed and closed the door heading back to her room, next door.

"Fine..." Gazzy grabbed a pillow and grabbed a sheet and went on the floor, falling asleep just like that. After words, every boy fall asleep with Fang on one bed, Dylan on the floor, and Iggy on the bed.

~Girls Room~

Nudge fell asleep on a chair when she was watching some cartoons on the tv, Angel and Max fell asleep, but Dr. Martinez looks out of the window seeing the far away NYC. 'I wonder if we're safe now. I wonder what's in Max's future with the boys.' She thought.

~Time Skip~

The next morning, NYC was finally live. Everyone on the streets, looking like its normal lives, except when an announcement was on that caught the Flock's attention.

The News woman who's name showed up on the screen, Lili Hawk. She said formally, "Half of the world is covered of the ocean. This is what the world now looks like." Then it showed up an image that the islands like Hawaii are gone. The only continents is North America, South is covered by water, most part of Europe is still there, and Japan and the Philippines are still above. The Flock were shocked while the citizens didnt care and went on normal lives still.

"So almost the world is covered by the ocean?" Nudge said a bit scared.

Dylan nodded, "Seems like it..."

Angel gripped onto Max and talks to her through mind. "So what should we do Max?"

Max answered her back, "We look all over the world and see what's up. First up is Florida tomorrow.". Angel nodded, agreeing.

"Alright," Max turns to the others and they all have attention on her. "tomorrow, Florida. We're gonna see if anything changed when the world changed." Everyone muttered a bit but one by one, they all agreed. "It might be the end of our lives, but our new lives are just getting started."

Fang thought, 'Looks like another road trip, but no enemies this time. That should be a good thing. But...' Fang looks at Dylan who has his eyes on Max as always. 'He'll always be my enemy when it comes to Max.'

Dylan can feel Fang looking at him and he easily avoided eye contact which will be kind of awkward, even for Fang. 'I bet he's thinking Max will be safe with him. I'm the one who'll forever be with her, to protect Max.' ((Ok, its like 1 so sorry for making most of these guys sooo OOC))

Then the Flock moved out and went to a resturant to talk about the plans but most of the time Dr. Martinez was thinking this mostly. 'Why do we have to see what's around the world? Is Max feeling something from Florida or she wants a simple vacation. I'll find out, hopefully. Right now I should enjoy myself.'

The answer was in Max's mind that Dr. Martinez was questioning herself. 'I know something is in Florida. Something strange but important. But right now, I have to deal with these two' Max sighed having Fang and Dylan glaring at each other sitting on both sides of Max, but she just left that alone cause she doesn't want headaches.


Yay!!! Like I said sorry the characters are OOC a little. I havent read the actual book or the graphic since I was like 10 and Im 13 now and I only have the first graphic novel book so I have no idea. xD

Well next chapter like a week later cause I'm doing 2 other chapters or of Im in luck, later this week.

I really hope you Otaku's like it, I may put too much thought in it but I did my best. Enjoy for this story getting a little more interesting in Chapter 5 though :P


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