Chapter 9

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Ayat pov

" Tell me what do you like among these." Rehman said as he showed me the varieties of beautiful suits and dresses.

" Um- this one." I timidly said, not wanting to anger him in any possible way. I really liked this dress. It was a rosy pink anarkali type suit. It was beautiful with the intricated designs on it.

" Pack this one." Rehman said non chalantly.

Rehman paid off the price and we came out of the shop. I was glad that Rehman took effort for my shopping. May be he is not that bad as I thought...

We reached the warehouse which was deeper in the middle of the forest probably. It was for the first time I observe the place where was I kept against my will for few days. I looked around the area as the thought of an escape again crossed my mind.

" Don't even think about it." Rehman said suddenly making me flinch and soon my eyes widen as his words sank in me. I gulped as I looked at him. His jaws were clenched with a tight grip on the steering wheel as he looked ahead of us while driving the car.

" I know what you are thinking. Don't even think about it, of course if you don't want every bone in your body to be broken down and bruises to cover up your ugly body." He said with the venom dripping in his words. I don't know why but suddenly I don't want to be near him. At this moment, I want to be far far away from this person. He was dangerous, how could I be so stupid to let myself believe he was not that bad..!!

I totally ignored the remark he gave for my body as my heartbeat shot up with his threatening, the more I thought about his words. I could feel the fear sweeping in my veins. But somehow, I tried my best to calm down. I just want to get out of here.

Suddenly he stop the car as I looked outside, only to find that we reached the warehouse already.

He didn't waste a single second as he opened the door forcily and then with a bang he came towards my door of the car where was I seated. He jerked open the door and pulled me in a vice like grip as he dragged me out of the car towards my hell.

" It-it's hurting. Plea-se lea-ve me." I requested with fear and panic in my voice.

" No'' came his cold reply.
Once we entered the warehouse, he threw me on the floor of the living room, making me shreiked as I felt some of the new scratches forming on my arms and hands.

" Pack your bags. We are going to our house." He ordered with cold voice.

Tears which I was controlling for a long time finally flowed down my cheeks as I looked at him with fear.
Here I am planning to escape him but he is full adamant to make me his slave. I thought I would marry a person who would love me but here I am, living each and every second of my life in fear. I just want to go away from this man. If it's not for my brother, I would die rather than marry this monster.

" Don't look at me like that. You are about to enter in your new phase of life. WELCOME TO THE HELL DARLING. Now, if you are intelligent enough, then I suggest you just stand up and be ready within 15 minutes. We will be going right now." He ordered as he smirked at me with evil.

I didn't say anything. I stood up and went in the room to pack my things.

" What are you looking at?" He asked jolting me out of the trance.

I ignored him as I looked out of the window of the moving car. I really don't want him to look at me. My thoughts were drifted towards my brother whim I cared with so much of love. I really want to check on him right now. I don't know what kind of pain my ill fated brother was enduring in that house.

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