Chapter 5

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Ayat's Pov
Days passed by easily and i was over with my engagement with Rehman and now today is my wedding with him. All seem to be excited for my marriage but i only knows what's going on inside me. How my brain is wrecked with all this. I dont want to marry and my father and my soon to be husband knows it very well.

Engagement party was a small one, only my family and some of his relatives were there. There were no outsiders in the engagement party. My father was happy with me that i was engaged without creating any fuss and giving tantrums. Though it was a long lost girl who enjoyed creating tantrum but i was not that same girl, not anymore but now today is my wedding and there would be lots of people who will attend my marriage.

On my engagement day, my father made me to wear a lehnga and with some jwellery and light makeup, when i was getting engaged, I observed that Rehman not even once tried to talk to me, like he was just doing formalities. But i also knows that he was the one who want this marriage in a rush and even though i dont know him but his behaviour on that evening when he came first time to meet me, just shook me to the core. Terror was a small word for me at that time. I was like going to passed out any minute on that day but somehow i managed to stabilize myself. My father gave him every right to make decision on my behalf.

I dont know why but even though my soon to be husband Rehman was being good with everyone, there was this dangerous aura around him, a dominance, a fear around him that just made chills down my spine, making goosebumps to arise all over my body whenever i was close with him.

My father was strict and he made me clear on my engagement day that if anyhow i tried to create problem i would be severly punished and might end up in a hospital. He also threatened me using my brother who was sadly his own son, that if i dont do according to his will he would stop giving food to my brother and made him starve. I was yet again horrified with my father's behaviour, not that i was surprised or shocked, but he blantly told me what he would do if I defy him.

I thought after loosing my childhood i would find solace in my marriage life but now it too seems as a dream because i very well knows that Rehman is not what he was showing. The fact that he didnt once bothered to talk to me nor even spare me a glance only raised my suspicions against him. I still didnt forgot what he did with me in my own bedroom and how he threatened me with my brother.He knows, he knows that i love my brother so much and that he is my weakness and that i would do anything in order to protect my brother.

This marriage was happening so soon and everything was in rush. No one bothered about my willingness and no one bothered to ask me whether i was happy with this marriage or not. Clearly i am not happy with this marriage and i want to run off from my own marriage. This thought just struck me.. Run...Run . Yes this is the option i m having right now. But would it be right if i leave my brother.?? absolutely not. I am not leaving him but first i have to save myself. I dont want this marriage and no more suffering in my life.


Hence, I made a biggest mistake of my life on that day.

I ran away from my own wedding.

Rehman's Pov

" Where the hell is she?!?!" I asked glaring at my soon to be father in law. Anger would be a small word for me, I was fuming. How one can be so irresponsible. That girl just ran away from my clutches so easily even in the presence of 100 security guards, this thought alone made my tdmper go high. How dare she..?? She ran away from me.!? FROM ME !?!? She will pay the price for it. A heavy price. I thought i would be easy on her but now NO, NOT ANYMORE. !!!

Imran was scared to say the least. He was looking like hd could pee any time at this moment. Why wouldn't he ? He was unable to control his own daughter and hence why, she was successful in running away.

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