29. Destroy

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Loki swooped through the palace, making a short stop at the library and the palace vault, before teleporting to the Observatory. Heimdall was waiting for him outside, his hands on the hilt of his large sword. "It was all you, wasn't it? Tell me, Loki, how did you get the Jotuns into Asgard?"

Loki smirked at the dark skinned gatekeeper. Of course the undetected arrival of the Jotuns was a bee in Heimdal's bonnet. It bugged him enough to ask about that first, even though he must have foreseen at least parts of Loki's current plan.

"Did you really think the Bifrost was the only way into Asgard? There are lots of secret passageways, which you with all your powers have no knowledge of." Loki glared at Heimdal. "But let me reverse the question. Did you give Lady Sif and the Warriors Three passage to Midgard, despite my order to seal the Bifrost?"
Heimdal didn't answer, he didn't have to, because they both knew what Loki was gonna say next. "Because of your act of treason I relieve you of your duty as gatekeeper!"

Heimdal changed his stance to one of action, lifting his sword. "Then I need no longer obey you!" the gatekeeper called out and lashed out with the large sword.

With a quick move of his hands Loki revealed the Casket of Ancient Winters and turned its powers on his opponent. Heimdall froze in place, his body being encapsulated by a thick layer of ice. Loki pulled the large sword from Heimdall's hand before that froze over too. He closed his eyes for a second, pushing back the bile in his throat. Without looking at himself he knew how he looked, how monstreous he had become. The white lines adorned his skin like a network of shallow cuts, standing out against the icy blue skin. Loki could feel every twist and turn of the lines, even underneath his clothes. Firmly, he reminded himself of the fact he was king of Asgard, to keep this dark spiral of thoughts at bay. He shook himself and casually walked into the Observatory. His mind was on a single track right now, he was not gonna let himself be distracted from his mission.

Loki slit the large sword in the elevated slot and opened the portal. He turned around to the Destroyer, who had followed him inside obediently. Loki lifted the spell that made it invisible and nodded appreciative at the impressive form of the Destroyer. The large sentinel walked up to the portal and stepped inside without hesitation. If only every warrior was that obedient, Lady Sif certainly wasn't and so were her friends. Hell, even his own brother never did what Loki asked of him, not even now he was king!

He deeply resented Thor's resignation to try and regain his worthiness on Midgard, huddled with some attractive mortal in a small settlement. It was below him! Thor could have been king of Asgard, ruling over the Nine Realms. Yet when the Allfather stripped him of his powers, the God of Thunder cowered down and made no attempt of getting up. No, Loki had proved himself to be a better king than his brother could ever be. At least he had stepped up to the plate when he was needed. Thor didn't even want to return to his former life when asked for reasons as simple as being with your family. His own brother had chosen Midgard and that mortal wench over his family!

Loki watched how the arrival of the Destroyer caused chaos in that tiny town on Midgard. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three fought for what they were worth, as Thor and his mortal friends tried to get the town people to safety. It was pathetic. "Your stay at Midgard has made you soft, brother," Loki hissed at the image the Bifrost showed him.

The Destroyer was making good work of laying the town to waste, taking the Warriors Three down in the process. Thor wasn't of much use, stripped of his powers the former God of Thunder could do little more than help evacuate the town. But Loki had to give his brother credit: he did put his muscles to work. He was ready to close the portal's view and go back to the palace, to Mirilya, when he heard Thor addressing him.

"Brother! Whatever I have done to you... whatever it is, I'm truly sorry for it! But these people are innocent. You can take my life, but not theirs. Whatever this is. It's over. Let's end this."

Loki smirked at his brother's brave words and answered out loud, even though Thor couldn't hear him. "Yes, let's end this, brother." He sent some final directions to The Destroyer and closed the portal just as the sentinel took a swing at the former God of Thunder. He would check in later with the sentinel, right now, he wanted to return to Mirilya as quickly as possible. Loki patted the frozen Heimdall on the head as he walked past him. "You keep watch for me, big boy."

When he came back to the healing rooms Brent and Lady Loriana were still there, and Loki was pleased to see his mother there too. She stood up to give him a hug and gave him room to go sit on the bed next to Mirilya. "How are you holding up, my love?" he said softly, holding out his hand to touch her cheek.

She grabbed his hand and held it to her face, pressing a kiss against his palm. Loki was shocked at how high her temperature was, it had spiked again in his short absence.
Lady Loriana softly nudged his arm and gave him a wet washcloth, which he took to dab Mirilya's forehead and sleep. There were not many words spoken, it was not needed. To Loki it was like a shadow crept in from the corners, filling the room with dread. And the shadow kept coming closer in the next hour, until the point that Lady Eir stepped in and took Loki aside.

"Loki," she said softly, going back to the familiarity of his childhood, "it's time to take action. Mirilya is getting worse. If we want any chance of saving her..."

"You'll have to do it now. I understand." Loki glanced back to the woman he loved, her petite frame looking even smaller on the bed in the healing room. "Just... when there has to be made a choice between her and the baby, please save Mirilya."

Lady Eir nodded gravely, putting her hand on his arm. "We'll do our very best. There is still a chance we don't even need to make a choice."

Everything was put in motion after that, turning the healing room into some sort of beehive with frantic, but silent activity. Meanwhile, Mirilya was surrounded by the people that loved her, hugging her and kissing her. Nobody said goodbye, they just told her they would be waiting for her when she woke up again.

When it was time to take Mirilya into the operating room, Loki had a few moments alone with her. He pressed a kiss against her lips, her chapped lips that felt hot to his touch.

"I love you," she whispered, her voice cracked.

Loki lowered his head and nuzzled her cheek, her throat, that soft spot just below her ear that would always make her react to his touch in the best ways.
"You are my life, my love, my anchor. I am so, so sorry for what is happening to you now. But we are going to get through this. I know we will. I love you so much." His voice was barely more than a whisper, but in her golden eyes he saw that she heard him, understood him as she always did.

"I'll see you in a bit," he said and kissed her one last time before the healers took her away to the operation room.

Lady Frigga put her arm around his waist and he placed his arm around her shoulders, allowing her to lean into him. Her closeness comforted him, although his insides seemed to be made of ice. Together they watched the doors to the operation room close.

"Please tell me she'll be alright, mother..."

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