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The Original Bad Boy

Chapter Twenty-One

"Is this not too creepy for us? Like we've dealt with bucket loads of freaks but this is like top level ghost town around here," I asked as we were approaching the house.

"Scared you're gonna run into the big bad wolf?" Damon teased.

Big bad wolf, hmm no. 

Big bad original vampire who will either rip off my head or smother me maybe, yeah. 

"Do you not remember summer of '89?" I asked Damon with a smirk.

"Don't you mean the summer go '69?" Elena piped in.

"The song? Yes I know it, I was here when it was released but no, summer of 89' was awful, like 11 out of 10 scary factor, you would've died," I casually replied.

"Remind me never to get onto your bad side, please, like for my sake," Jeremy asked with his hand over his heart. 

"If the riff riff is done bickering, we're home sweet home," Damon announced as he came to a stop outside Scary Mary's house. 

Because for some reason this couldn't wait until the morning, when you know, the house looked moderately normal and less like I was about to meet my death. 

We all jumped out of the car, not wanting to go anywhere near the place but I trudged my feet out and sighed as my feet landed on the floor. 

"This is the address," Jeremy said as he looked in shock at the house.

"Looks about right," Damon pursed his lips as he looked around to see if anyone else was around, didn't exactly want any unexpected visitors lurking.

"Wait here," Elena turned and said to both me and Jeremy.

"Why? So you guys can make out some more?" Jeremy snapped.

"And you're leaving me here to basically babysit? I mean, I love you Jer but you're not in nappies anymore, I don't thinking you'll wet yourself out of fear on your own," I said as I started to walk towards the house. 

Damon caught my shoulder as I went to walk past him, he gave me that 'you know what you're getting yourself into' look. I shook him off and shrugged.

"Well, at least you can't blame me if you have an accident," he shrugged back as a response.

"Wow, thanks for the caring big brother speech there D," I slyly responded. "Jeremy will be fine,"

"Don't be a dick. Listen to your sister," Damon turned to Jeremy and said, raising eyebrows at him. Smooth, real smooth. Jeremy just sighed and walked back to the car. "Thank you,"

"You know if you want to be with his sister I think it's you who needs to downgrade on the dick moves really," I said to Damon as we were walking up the house and far away enough from Elena so she couldn't hear. 

He just smirked and shook his head at me, staring behind us at Elena who was staring right back at him as we walked up the the front door. From the outside, this place doesn't look like it's been lived in for years, decades even. 

We opened the door into complete darkness, no light switch, no light bulb, just nothing. I felt myself almost trip over something as I took a few steps in. Elena turned on her torch so we could see a little better. 

There were books, everywhere, paper, nic nacks, the whole place looked like a storage unit gone wrong. But at the same time you could tell it had been lived in, I turned my torch on too to see paintings and pictures still hanging up on the wall, the whole house screamed creepy.

The Original Bad Boy (Kol Mikealson)Where stories live. Discover now