Chapter 30

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Ashley's POV
*the next day*

Today's the day,it all feels too real and I'm really scared for my baby even though we've gone over the plan millions of times. It's ten fifteen now and since Austin's house is a few hours away,we're getting ready to go now.

"Now remember to listen to Olesya and behave yourselves." Vanessa instructed Marissa and Zaciah.

"And remember if we're for some reason not home before dinner,you can order in some food,Olesya knows where it is." Zac added. They were such a cute family,I hope me,Chris and the baby can be like that once all this is over.

"Okay guys,we should get going now!" Corbin called.

"Okay,we have to go now,but we love you guys,behave and we'll see you in a bit." Vanessa said,kissing the kids foreheads before heading outside. Zac said bye to the kids and kissed their foreheads too before following Vanessa. I grabbed the baby bag and headed outside.


I knocked on the front door with the baby in my arms and the baby bag on my shoulder.
Austin,himself opened the door.

"Right on time,come on in." I walked in and waited in the foyer for him to close the door.

"Follow me,let's talk for a bit" Austin said before walking down a hallway. I followed him down some hallways before going into a sitting room.

"Sit,we can talk about my daughter." Austin explained taking a seat across from me on a couch.

"My daughter,not yours,mine and Christopher's." I corrected him,taking a seat on a couch.

"Right,sorry,do you have a name for her yet?"

"No,not yet,but I would like a say in what you name her."

"Alright,but would I be able to hold her,so I can see her?" Austin asked

I gulped before responding "I guess so." I handed her over to Austin,watching closely how he handled her.

"I think she looks like an Avery,don't you?"

"Yes,I do,I think that suits her perfectly." I lied.

"Well,I guess,your name is Avery." Austin told the baby "is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"Uh yeah,like why do you want my child?" I demanded.

"I had a feeling you would ask that,and it's actually kind of embarrassing."

"I don't care if it's embarrassing,I want the honest truth about why you want to take away my daughter from me." I replied.

"Do you remember when I told you why I made the deal with Vanessa?"

"Yeah,I do,continue."

"Well you helped me realize what I did was wrong and that helped me get over Vanessa. But,what you said then,it made me fall in love with you and I realized that i didn't want a repeat of what I did to Vanessa,so I made you decide between staying with me here,or giving up your firstborn child. Then either way I would have a piece of you with me." Austin explained.

"You do realize that when she's older,she'll be able to find me and Chris and find out the truth about what you did to us,she'll hate you,despise you. And like what I said when you told me about the deal you made with Vanessa,wouldn't you want the person you love to be happy? How I could be happy knowing that my child is out there but I can't be with them?"

Austin seemed to think about it for a moment before glaring at me "if you're trying to talk me out of taking Avery,it's not working,I'm keeping her and I think that you should leave now."

"Now guys!" I called. Chris,Zac,Vanessa,Monique,Corbin and Lucas all burst into the room through the door. Zac and Corbin grabbed Austin,careful to not make him drop the baby. I scooped the baby out of Austin's arms and held her close to me as Christopher came to stand next to me.

"Are you two okay?" He asked me,looking at me worriedly.

"Yeah we're fine." I replied,rocking the baby back and forth. Zac and Corbin were each holding one of Austin's arms as Vanessa stepped towards him.

"You did you really think that you could away with all this?" She asked,shaking her head. Austin stayed silent even as Vanessa took his head in her hands and turned it to face her. She smiled sweetly at him before raising her hand and slapping him across the face.

"That was for kidnaping Ashley" she explained before slapping him again.

"That was for hitting Zac" she kept slapping him and listing what the slaps were for until her hand was red.

"That was for trying to take Ashley and Chris's baby,that was for making me make a deal with you,that was for threatening to hurt Marissa,that was for threatening to hurt Zaciah,and those three were for making me break up with Zac."

"You good now,Ness?" I asked

"Yeah,I think I am,you guys can bring him to the car now." Zac and Corbin dragged a red-faced Austin out the door with Lucas following behind them.

"Come on,let's get you guys back to the house. For once in months,we can all get a worry-free sleep."


One chapter left...


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