Chapter 23

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Vanessa's POV

*the next morning*

Once I woke up,I turned over to see if Zac was still sleeping. I turned over to meet an empty bed. I assumed he was just in the washroom or in the living room so I got out of bed to look more presentable. First I threw on some sweatpants,a baggy shirt and a cropped hoodie. I ran a brush threw my tangled mane of hair then I threw it into  a messy bun and brushed my teeth so I didn't kill him with my morning breath.

After that I made my way downstairs to find Zac. Just as expected I found him on the couch playing Zaciah's favourite video game." Hey you" I said,slipping onto the couch next to him." Morning,beautiful" Zac responded,adoringly." I see you found Zaciah's video game collection" I said,gesturing to the small shelf stacked with video games." Yeah, I remembered that he had them while I was thinking of something to do while I waited for you to wake up."

"Funny,Marissa and him do the same thing on Christmas morning. This year they'll have to wait for me and you." I said before pecking him on the cheek. He turned his head to face me and kissed me. Unfortunately,our kiss was cut short by Zac getting a phone call." Sorry" Zac said,sheepishly,grabbing his phone off the side table.

"Hello?" Zac asked,rubbing his forehead in frustration." It went well,now what d'you want?" Zac demanded. I stifled a giggle with my hand while listening to Zac's end of the conversation." Really?! She's with you? Ok,we'll be there soon!" Zac exclaimed before hanging up the phone." What? What's happened?" I asked,excitedly.

"Ashley's with them at the hotel!" Zac said,amazed." What,when?!" "I don't know but I told them we'll meet them at the hotel,so let's get ready!"

I rushed upstairs to change into something different while Zac turned off the video game. I quickly changed into some jeans,a black tank top, socks and kept my hoodie on. I kept my hair how it was and applied some concealer,eyeliner,mascara and lip balm.

I slipped on a pair of white vans and then grabbed my purse and phone before hurrying downstairs. Zac was waiting for me by the front door with his jacket on and keys in his hand.

"I'm ready let's go!" I say. I turned on the house alarm and locked the door before climbing into Zac's car.

Marissa's POV

Last night

Once we got to our hotel room I took a shower while auntie Ashley ordered pizza for dinner.

I took my time to shower since I wanted to annoy Zaciah since he pushed me into the pool when the water was freezing cold.
While I was washing my body I heard Zaciah pounding on the bathroom door.
"Marissa,you've been in there for 7 minutes and 49 seconds,you better be done in 2 minutes and 7 seconds!" Zaciah yelled over the sound of the pounding water. I rolled my eyes,Zaciah always made sure that everyone got EXACTLY 10 minutes in the shower when we stayed at a hotel. But i always took 2 minutes and 36 seconds too long,according to Zaciah.

Once I finished up my shower (3 seconds before my 10 minutes were up) I brushed my hair before it got frizzy then dried it with the hotel blow dryer. Then I changed into my sleep tank top and pants and put my sweatshirt on. Once I got out of the bathroom Zaciah gave me an earful about how I took 8 minutes and 47 seconds over my 10 minutes,while uncle Dylan snuck into the bathroom.

Once everyone had showered and dressed,and the pizza had arrived,we all grabbed our pizza while we watched Spongebob Squarepants on TV." Auntie Ashley,when are you going to tell us about what happened to you?" Zaciah asked "you know what, it's kind of late so I'll tell you guys all about it tomorrow after breakfast ok?" Auntie Ashley explained "ok" me and Zaciah said before cleaning up our plates." Where's everyone sleeping?" I asked once everything was put away." Well that depends,Dylan are you spending the night here or at Zac's trailer?" Auntie Stella asked "do you think I could stay here? I don't really feel like driving back to the trailer." Uncle Dylan said,sheepishly.

"Yeah sure,do you mind sleeping on a bunk bed with the kids?"
"Not at all,so are you and Ashley going to sleep on the two beds?"
"Yeah,we have a few things to catch up on."
"Kids,how about you go pick your beds and get ready for bed ok?" Auntie Ashley said

Until Next Time...


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