Chapter 27

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Ashley's POV

*2 days later*

I had just gotten an email from the hospital that my results had been sent to Vanessa's house and they should be here now. I was desperate to know, so while everyone was in the kitchen,I snuck out the door to get the mail.

"Oh god it's so cold out,why didn't I bring my jacket?" I asked myself,shivering while opening the mailbox.
I looked through the envelopes until I saw one that said Ashley Tisdale on it. I scurried back inside and brought the mail to the kitchen.

"Hey,Ash,are you ok?" Vanessa asked,looking at me with her cup of coffee in her hands.

"Yeah,it's just cold outside,I went to get the mail." I said,rubbing my hands over my arms.

"Oh thanks,I was gonna send Marissa to get it though." She said,grabbing the pile.
"Geez,Ash,did you wear a jacket? You look like you're freezing! Zac can you make her a cup of coffee please?" Vanessa asked,smiling sweetly.

"Sure" Zac said,returning her smile.

"God,you really do act like a mom now" I said,taking a seat on one of the stools.

I wonder if I'll start acting like that,wait no,you don't even know yet,you might not even be pregnant! Just wait until you see the results. Seeing Zac and V acting like how they used to makes me miss Christopher even more.

"Ash,this is for you" Vanessa said,handing me the envelope.

"Oh,thanks" I said,taking it from her.
I didn't want to wait any longer,so I opened the envelope.

There was all this doctor talk but I read it while getting up and pacing the kitchen.

"Is everything okay,Ash?" Vanessa asked,looking over at me,concerned.

"Yeah" I said,still pacing "here it is" I muttered,finding the test results.


I dropped the papers in shock.

"What is it,Ashley?" Vanessa asked,putting her hands on my shoulders.

"No.." I said,before I crumbled to the ground,shaking with tears.

"Ashley! Ashley,what is it?" Vanessa cried,with both her hands still on my shoulders.

"No! I can't! I can't! This isn't real! This isn't real! I can't have this,I can't have this!" I cried,still shaking with tears.

"Ashley! Ashley,tell me what is it? Ashley talk to me!" I heard Vanessa crying,but all I could think about was how the baby growing inside me,wasn't even mine to keep.
I heard someone pick up the papers,the person I'm guessing was Zac.

"She's pregnant" I heard him say,faintly,my mind was overrun with my thoughts.

"Ashley that's great! Why are you crying?" Vanessa asked.

"Because..I can't keep the baby...I made a deal,with Austin...he's going to take it away from me" I said,barely above whispering.

Vanessa's POV

"That bastard" I said,standing up "Marissa!"

"Yes?" Marissa asked,popping her head in the doorway

"Take care of your aunt and brother,your dad and I have to go do something." I said,grabbing my jacket.

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